Church notes - 19th March 2023

Mar 19, 2023 16:02

Psalm 75:73 - 76
2 Corinthians 3:17

John 4:1 - 26

1 John 2:18 - 29

It is always difficult to be Christian

vs 21 - 24
The last days - between His ascension and when He will return.
- An idea, counterfeits, antibiblical opinion
- Against Christ
- Counterfeit experience of Jesus
- It is in this world
What difference does it make what you believe?
- It makes all the difference.
To deny Jesus is to deny God.

Gospel Box
Jesus is the Son of God.
The Bible is the Word of God.
All people are sinners - unable to help themselves.
The only way one can be saved is through faith in Christ.
Christ died as man's substitute on the cross, and rose again from the dead.
The Holy Spirit indwells true believers.
One day in the future Jesus will come again.

The key question:
Who is Jesus Christ?
1 John 4:2

True profession - acknowledge that His Son came in the flesh.

vs 23

John 14:6

vs 26, 27

Set aside for a special task.
We have been annointed by the Holy Spirit

vs 24
The truth of Christ needs to be be etched into our minds and spirits.

1 John 1:9

Hold on to the Truth.

Whereever we look, we have hope.
'No matter in which direction a Christian looks, he finds a reason to obey God. If he looks back, he sees Calvary, where Christ died for him. If he looks within, he sees the Holy Spirit who lives within and teaches him the truth. If he looks around, he sees his Christian brethren whom he lovesl he also sees a world lost in sin, desperately needing his godly witness. And if he looks ahead, he sees the return of Christ!' - Warren Weisbe.

John 15:5

A committment to each other

1 John 5:19

Fellowship - We have in common.

Truth - we need to embrace the truth of Christ.
Annointed - We are annointed with the Holy Spirit.
Remain - Remain in Christ and in Fellowship with fellow Christians.

1 john 4, 2 corinthians 3, gospel of john, 1 john, 1 john 1, 2 corinthians, church, john 15, psalm 75, 1 john 2, john 14, 1 john 5, john 4

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