Church notes - 27th November 2022

Nov 27, 2022 17:24

Luke 4:38 - 44
2 Corinthians 9:7

Revelation 22


The picture of the New Jerusalem - Very certain. As is the Gospel message of Jesus dying for our sins and His Resurrection. His Return is certain!
His Judgement of the wicked and the Church is certain.
It is done.

The message of Revelation is relevant to us. His return is near.

vs 11
The time will come when the opportunity will pass.
vs 12

John 14
Acts 1:11
1 Thesssalonians 5:2

Expect Him to come.
1 Corinthians 15:22
God's time is not our time. It can't be determined by our measurements.

Live each day as if it were our last, and each day as if there were to be a great future.
Jeremiah 32
In a time of uncertainty, Jeremiah offered hope.

vs 14, 15
Those who were purified by faith in Jesus. Robes washed by His Blood.

vs 18 - 19
Take these words and all of Scripture seriously!

Jesus Rose. He will return.

There is hope in Jesus!

Revelation is a book of hope! Evil will not last forever.

God is in control.
Evil will not last forever.
A wonderful reward that is waiting for all those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

luke 4, revelation 22, jeremiah, 2 corinthians 9, gospel of john, gospel of luke, 2 corinthians, church, 1 thessalonians, jeremiah 32, 1 thessalonians 5, 1 corinthians, revelation, john 14, 1 corinthians 15

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