Jurassic World Dominion delayed review

Nov 04, 2022 17:55

81. Jurassic World Dominion
Dinosaurs are everywhere. There are still those who would use them for their own ends. But there are also Locusts. Alan Grant is approached by Ellie Satler for help in investigating Biosyn’s scheme. Ian Malcom is also involved, having determined that something was going on. Meanwhile Blue and Masie are kidnapped, leading Owen and Claire to go to on a rescue mission. It is certainly a roller coaster of a film, but at least there isn’t a Hybrid this time. The sequence in Malta was rather good, leading to the convergence in plot threads at the Biosyn valley.
The true origin of Masie doesn’t seem too contrived. However some of the climactic sequence does seem contrived. It certainly isn’t as good as any of the previous films. 7.78/10.

review, dominion, jurassic world

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