Revelation 8:6 - 13
Revelation 9
Revelation 11:15 - 29
The Trumpets
Terrible things happen because of sin. Sin may seem insignificant but it isn't/
The trumpets are reminders that people need to repent of their sins.
Exodus 2:23
Israel groaning under the Egyptians.
A third. A partial judgement. God is merciful.
The sea.
God is serious about sin.
The scope of devastation.
8:10, 11
Compare with the ninth plague in Exodus 10:21 - 23
We need to see sin for what it is.
Sin is not profitable.
9:1 - 3
God always has control. A limit of five months.
Tormenting most people.
Horror of judgement. Without repentance there is nowhere to turn for mercy.
Ephesians 1:13, 14
Turning to Jesus in repentance is our only hope.
9:13 - 15
9:20 - 21
Hard-hearted people refusing to repent.
Like the Pharoah refusing to let the Israelites go.
What would you do with this chapter?
'The Book of Revelation is pulling back the mask of beauty that evil wears, and underneath that mask is exposed the perverse and destructive reality of what tempts us.' - Kent Hughs.
The seventh trumpet.
11:16 - 19
A scene of worship, and a picture of mercy.
Romans 8:9 - 17