Church notes - July 2022

Jul 31, 2022 18:32

Revelation 3:1 - 6
Like Sardis
We are wealthy.
We are secure.
We can look to past glory.

The Church in Sardis is described as nearly dead!

vs 1
Seven spirits, seven stars
No faults found, but they're spiritually dead.
They felt secure, but they were complacent.
Their faith wasn't life-giving.

Who Jesus is - a message of hope.

vs 2
But there was still hope.
Our spiritual lives.
How effectively are we reading the Word?
How effectively are we praying?
How are we nurturing our relationship with God?
How are you following the Gospel?
Are you awake?

They were complacent.

A warning to all Western Christians.
Affluence gives people options to spend their time on.
How do you use it?
vs 3
One day it will be too late.
"If you don't repent, I will come against you."
vs 4
A recognition of those who had been following the Gospel.
vs 5, 6
Hear the promises.
To overcome - confess, repent and follow Christ.
A warning.
Let's not live in complacency.
Wake up! Strengthen what remains.

Revelation 3:7 - 13
The Philiadelphian Christians had been faithful. Jesus promised an open door,
vs 7
Jesus is Holy and True. He is trustworthy. He is pure and honest.
He holds the key of David.
Isaiah 22
Judah trusted Egypt rather than God.
Isaiah 22:22
A prophetic picture of a reliable administrator.

Faith. Trusting Jesus that He will bring you Eternal life.

Test Him and find that the things of this world cannot compare.
vs 8
He knows their works.
The open door.
The church didn't have much influence.
They hadn't denied Him.

1 Corinthians 16:9

The missionary task is not easy. Nor is it too hard.

vs 10
Jesus will be glorified and those who are faithful will be glorified with Him.

Faithfulness to God's Word has led to the open door of opportunity. Keeping the Word and following Jesus enables Christians to endure tribulation.

vs 11
He wants us to be ready for His return. What Jesus offers is better than anything else.

Revelation 3:14 - 22
Spiritual Indifference
We need to know our motivations.

A wealthy community.
Aquaducts brought water from hot springs miles away. By the time the water reached the town it was tepid.
The tepid water reflected their spirituality.
They were relying on themselves.
vs 14 Jesus as the faithful and true witness.
What would Jesus say about you?
We need self awareness
His counsel should be trusted.

vs 17
Lukewarm - they had decieved themselves as to their true state.
Parallel with addicts. They needed to hit rock bottom to see the truth.
We need to remind ourselves of the Gospel, of our need for Jesus.

Colossians 2:6, 7

We need to be proactive in our living for Jesus.

Mark 8:36

For example: Look at Hollywood - They have everything, but they are not happy.

vs 18
Dealing with Reality.
The Laodicean believers didn't see their true state.

The real value wasn't in physical possessions, but in the majesty of God. In what He has to offer.

What shapes your thinking.
What do you trust in?
We need what Jesus offers. Everything else is rubbish.

vs 19
He was chastising them, but He also reminded them of His love for them.
vs 20

He wants to be in your life.

vs 21
Jesus' promise goes beyond what worldly wealth could possibly offer.

Psalm 103

Prayer: COVID spread in Australia

Joshua 14:8 - 15

Generational cohorts
Early - Work and Identity
Middle life - Purpose

He understood his purpose to the very end.

Numbers 13:30
He gave a positive report on the Promised Land.
He was filled with faith.

vs 7, 8
He had his faith in God. He was willing to follow God. He hung in there through the 40 years of wandering.
vs 10
Asking for his inheritance.
A sense of purpose. Holding onto the Promise.
A sense of character.
A life marked by humility.

'Manifestations of temper, temptations and irritation, feelings of bitterness and estrangement have their heart in nothing but pride.' - Andrew Murray.

What stage of life are you at?
What encouragement do you need?

We need to apply our faith to the circumstances of our lives.

John 19:30
"It is finished."
Jesus has acheived victory for us over sin.

Psalm 84

Luke 15

Essential value
Being a welcoming Christian
A reflection of the Gospel - God is welcoming us into His kingdom.
Who is visiting?
Making a good impression
An interjection of greeting - know that your coming here gives me pleasure.
To receive gladly.

Is God a welcoming God?
vs 1
Jesus was welcoming but the Teachers of the Law weren't/
Luke 19:10

vs 20 - 24
The Father welcoming the Prodigal Son back.

God is absolutely a welcoming God!

The Son confessed his sins and repented.

Romans 5:8

He took the initiative in welcoming us.

Are we welcoming people?
vs 25 - 32

If we don't welcome others, then we are in opposition to God.

luke 15, revelation 3, joshua 14, church

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