Church notes - 17th July 2022

Jul 17, 2022 15:38

Revelation 3:14 - 22
Spiritual Indifference
We need to know our motivations.

A wealthy community.
Aquaducts brought water from hot springs miles away. By the time the water reached the town it was tepid.
The tepid water reflected their spirituality.
They were relying on themselves.
vs 14 Jesus as the faithful and true witness.
What would Jesus say about you?
We need self awareness
His counsel should be trusted.

vs 17
Lukewarm - they had deceived themselves as to their true state.
Parallel with addicts. They needed to hit rock bottom to see the truth.
We need to remind ourselves of the Gospel, of our need for Jesus.

Colossians 2:6, 7

We need to be proactive in our living for Jesus.

Mark 8:36

For example: Look at Hollywood - They have everything, but they are not happy.

vs 18
Dealing with Reality.
The Laodicean believers didn't see their true state.

The real value wasn't in physical possessions, but in the majesty of God. In what He has to offer.

What shapes your thinking.
What do you trust in?
We need what Jesus offers. Everything else is rubbish.

vs 19
He was chastising them, but He also reminded them of His love for them.
vs 20

He wants to be in your life.

vs 21
Jesus' promise goes beyond what worldly wealth could possibly offer.

mark 8, revelation 3, colossians, gospel of mark, colossians 2, revelation, church

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