Church notes - June 2022

Jun 26, 2022 17:45

5th June
Isaiah 40:28 -31
Psalm 55:25

Revelation 2:12 - 17
Sin disguises itself, but it never delivers. We must not compromise our faith.
The Church of Pergamum had compromised with the Nicolatians. It was also another place where the Imperial Cult was strong.
vs 12
The sword of judgement
Jesus came in judgement.
A choice
The sword of Rome, or the sword of Jesus.
The same today
The Western Culture or our faith.
vs 13
vs 14 - 16
A call to repentance.
A similarity between the Nicolatians and Balaam.
Idol worship and mystical rituals.
See Numbers 25

1 Peter 4:4

Compromise - When the distinction between the Church and the World is blurred.
Materlialism - material wealth, pleasure and comfort.
Secular Humanism - people see themselves as the final authority over their own lives and moral decisions.
Permissive Society

We need to honor Christ.
vs 16

vs 17

John 6:32 - 38

Matthew 20:25 - 28

Revelation 2:18 - 29
They were influenced by the World, especially by Jezebel and tolerating her false teachings.
vs 18
A searching gaze. He notices everything. Nothing can be kept from Him.
vs 19
Growing in good deeds.
These were affirmed by Jesus:
. Deeds
. Love
. Faith
. Service
. Perseverance
It is important to note the good things as well as the bad.
vs 20 - 24
They were permitting a false teacher to influence them, to compromise their faith.
The LORD had given the woman time to repent, but she was prideful and stubborn and continued to lead Christians astray.
But Jesus saw right through her.
But for us, we need to turn away from our sins when they are brought to our attention.

vs 22
He called those who had been influenced by Jezebel to repent
vs 24, 25
Deep Secrets = false teachings.
Hold tightly to the basics of the Gospel. Including, the Cross and the Resurrection.
Call out those who say "You need to do this to be a real Christian"
vs 28

The Church is called to purity.

Unless they repent
- They will face judgement.
- It is not too late.

An opportunity to repent.

1 Corinthians 11:23 - 26

The Epic of History
Hebrews 11:32 - 40
Hebrews 12
Genesis 12:4
Step out and trust Him. We need to live it out.

The great crowd of witnesses.

Psalm 8

Matthew 6:9 - 13

Deuteronomy 4:32 - 40
How will you enter the promised land?
What will you take with you?
What will you leave behind?
40 years instead of 11 days.
A new generation.
Remember what God had done in the past.
Genesis 12:4

Search your history. Remember what God has done.
Remember that there is no other God.

vs 35 - 39
Know that He is God.
He will instruct you.
God is for the Children of Israel.

We are God's people.

Socrates: An unreflected life is not worth living.
To reflect - to think deeply and carefully to examine.

What does God want to teach us at this time?
He has an opportunity for us.

deuteronomy 4, hebrews 11, revelation 2, church

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