Church notes - 8th May 2022

May 08, 2022 16:57

Prayer for the Federal Election
When considering how we vote in an election, it is not just the policies of the respective parties that we must consider. Equally, or even more importantly, we must examine the character and values of the individual candidates and, indeed, of the parties themsevles.
Pray that God would rule over this election. That rightous leaders would be elected to govern this nation in truth and justice.

Revelation 2:1 - 7
A heart of love matters
Jesus' authority over the Church.
Good deeds.
Identify what Jesus says is good and protest against the evil.

Have a good enough knowledge of the Bible to know what is false teaching.
It is good to be right, but that is not all it is.

Motivation - should be from love, not duty.

Don't take your assurance of eternal life for granted.
Remember what we have in Him, the Gospel and the enthusiasm you had when first Saved.
Do the things you did at first.

Immoral practices.
Do you hate the things Jesus hates?
Do you love the things Jesus loves?

To those who repent, the promise is of eternal lfie!

federal election, australia, election, revelation 2, revelation, church

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