Church notes - 15th April 2022

Apr 15, 2022 14:41


John 3:16, 17

Matthew 27:27 - 31
Mark 15:21 - 39

What Jesus said at the Cross
1. Father forgive them
He values forgiveness. That is His purpose. So should we.
Forgiveness should be a high priority in our lives.
2. This Day You Shall Be With Me in Paradise
3. Woman, Behold Your Son
4. My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?

Isaiah 59
The iniquities of us all were laid on Him.
2 Corinthians 5
He was made sin for us.

5. I Thirst
John 19:28, 29
His suffering was real.
Fully God and Fully Man.
Hebrews 4:15
Our Savivour is not remote from our experiences. He understands what we're going through.

John 19:30
6. It is finished.

7. Father, Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

Luke 23:43 - 46

john 3, gospel of mark, gospel of john, john 19, gospel of luke, good friday, gospel of matthew, church, luke 23, matthew 27, mark 15, hebrews 4

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