Church notes - 10th April 2022

Apr 10, 2022 15:55

Palm Sunday
Philippians 4:4 - 9

Luke 23:33, 34
1. Father, Forgive Them
The soldiers
The Chief Preists
The Pharisees
You and I

In the midst of His crucifixion, He cried out for forgiveness.
We need to forgive and extend forgiveness to others.

Luke 23:39 - 43
2. This Day You Will Be With Me in Paradise
Jesus was mocked by one of the criminals and by most in the crowd.
Psalm 22:6, 7

But the other criminal showed his faith.

He acknowledged his sin and believed in Jesus.

Again, words of forgiveness and hope.

John 19:25 - 27

3. Woman, Behold Your Son
He is the priority of our life, but we have a responsibility to our family.

Mark 15:33, 34
4. My God, My God. Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Quoting from Psalm 22
'My God My God' - more distant term.
Hebrews 13:$
A promise to cling to.

Isaiah 59:2
Deuteronomy 4:25
2 Corinthians 5:21

He was bearing our sins at that point. That is why He was forsaken.

isaiah, gospel of mark, hebrews 13, philippians 4, gospel of john, isaiah 43, john 19, gospel of luke, 2 corinthians 5, 2 corinthians, luke 23, mark 15, psalm 22, philippians, palm sunday, church, deuteronomy 4

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