Lost in Space Season 3 review

Feb 05, 2022 18:32

Season 3
Overall, it is a good continuation. (Is it a conclusion?) Was it better than the previous two seasons? There is certainly more story. With the rescue of Grant Kelly and the arrival at Alpha Centauri it felt more like two seasons. Even with there being more characters, the focus is still on the family. Doctor Smith's struggles were well realised, even as her fear threatens to overwhelm her towards the end. Penny's arc continues well also. She continues her self discovery, especially in the early part of the season.
She encourages the others to continue their efforts. She also contributes to the resolution to the overall story. (to say more would be a spoiler). Albeit the resolution to the robots storyline seems anticlimatic. 8.9/10.

review, lost in space, lost in space (2018)

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