Church notes - December 2021

Dec 26, 2021 15:16

Romans 8:18 - 39

vs 35

1 Corinthians 10:16

Psalm 42:5, 11



1 Thessalonians 1:3


Romans 8:24

Suffering 8:18
Frustration 8:29
Bondage, Decay 8:21
Pain 8:22
All as a result of Sin.

Hope is more than mere optimism. It is rooted in Jesus and what He as done.

Psalm 33: 20-22

Romans had hope in themselves.

Romans 5:6 - 8

Hope - Jesus came, died on the cross and rose again in an act of grace.

vs 35, 36
One of the most comforting promises in Scripture.

He is coming again.

Irrespective of circumstances we have hope!

Jude 2, 24, 25


Romans 8:28

- Expectation
- For Jesus to come to Earth and for us to have Eternal Life.
- Deliverance from our sins.
- It isn't disappointed

Psalm 139

Ruth 1
Christmas - A time of hope
People need the Hope of the Cross.
Romans 15:13

Our hope is built on the Resurrection of Jesus.

Naomi's life didn't turn out as she thought it would.

Ruth 1:16, 17

Ruth had to figure things out on her own.

Naomi was in dispair.
But Ruth returned with her.
Ruth 1:22
A seed of hope. Ruth had faith and hope.

Ruth 2:2

Emotions have reasons
Feelings including hope need a reason.

We need to be able to give a reason for the hope we have.

Naomi didn't have hope. Her life was filled with despair.

Ruth 3

Ruth 4:15
Obed, Jesse, David, and generations later, Jesus.

There is hope for anybody in any situation.
We have our reason for hope.

Luke 2:9 - 20

Philippians 2:5 - 8

Prayer - Housing for the new Youth and Children's Pastor and his family (when he starts in February).

Titus 2:11 - 14

COVID isn't over. There is a lack of confidence.

A danger of losing hope.

Because of what Jesus has done we have hope.

Blessed Hope.

His return should fill us with hope.

We need to be concerned for other people.

When He returns injustice will disappear.

Blessed Hope
We need to put hope in His return.

Romans 8:18 - 25

Renewal of the Earth
Revelation 21:1

Redemption of the Creation

The last days

2 Peter 3:3
2 Peter 3:8, 9

Hebrews 10:24, 25

A Practical Hope


Acts 1:7 - 12

Christmas Eve
John 3:16
John 1:1

Matthew 3:16
Psalm 16

Isaiah 10:33 - 11:9

Hope is important
It allows us to get up when we're knocked down. We have a strong, robust foundation in our hope.

10:33, 34
The forest was no threat at all.
One day our fears will disappear.

All sorts of problems.

This is the hope we have.

God has not forgotten us.
We have a strong and powerful God.

Isaiah's stump - the stump of Jesse.

God's judgement had chopped down the tree.

A new shoot - the baby Jesus.

The Messiah - God's promise
- To bring Salvation and hope to people.
- A descendent of David will rule forever.

A fallen world.
- Experience of loss
- Sin causes loss - the loss of fellowship with God.

Genesis 3
Disobedience and Sin.

God's restoration plan.
Jesus restores our relationship with God.

A picture of peace.
11:6 - 9

All our hopes come together in Jesus.

Christmas Day
Isaiah 9

Matthew 1:18 - 25

The Christmas Search Engine:

Being transcendent, God is both unknown and unknowable.
- Anything we can say about Him is inadaquate.

Matthew 1:22, 23

God with us.

Baby - non confrontational

Jesus grew as we did. What was this like for Him?

Hebrews 4:15

Jesus comes to meet us in our circumstances of brokeness and sin.

Repentance - acknowledging that a your sin has caused a rift between you and God.

Hebrews 7:11 - 24

Hebrews 6:19

Hope is realised in Jesus' birth and will be fulfilled in His second coming.
The world desperately needs hope.

Jesus is superior in every way to the Levitical preisthood.
The order of Melchizedek

Psalm 100:4

Jesus predates the Law

Hebrews 7:6, 11

We don't know when things are going to happen. But Jesus offers stability. An anchor to hold onto.

Hebrews 6:18 - 20
It is a firm foundation.
The anchor holds us securely.

Will your anchor hold?

Remember that Jesus will come again.

hebrews 7, isaiah, titus, isaiah 10, ruth 1, matthew 1, gospel of matthew, church, titus 2, isalah 11, romans 8

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