Church notes - 12th December 2021

Dec 12, 2021 14:45

Romans 8:28

- Expectation
- For Jesus to come to Earth and for us to have Eternal Life.
- Deliverance from our sins.
- It isn't disappointed

Psalm 139

Ruth 1
Christmas - A time of hope
People need the Hope of the Cross.
Romans 15:13

Our hope is built on the Resurrection of Jesus.

Naomi's life didn't turn out as she thought it would.

Ruth 1:16, 17

Ruth had to figure things out on her own.

Naomi was in dispair.
But Ruth returned with her.
Ruth 1:22
A seed of hope. Ruth had faith and hope.

Ruth 2:2

Emotions have reasons
Feelings including hope need a reason.

We need to be able to give a reason for the hope we have.

Naomi didn't have hope. Her life was filled with despair.

Ruth 3

Ruth 4:15
Obed, Jesse, David, and generations later, Jesus.

There is hope for anybody in any situation.
We have our reason for hope.

ruth 2, psalm 139, romans 15, hope, ruth 1, church, ruth, ruth 3, ruth 4, romans 8

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