John 14:5 - 27
Mark 1:29 - 29
Jesus practiced frequent solitary prayer.
Luke 4:42
Luke 5:16
Luke 6:12
Luke 9:18, 28
Luke 11:1
Luke 22:39 - 41
Jesus was busy but He made time to spend time in prayer.
Withdraw - to hear from God.
John 5:17 - 20
God is always working.
John 5:19
Philippians 2:6, 7
He voluntarily submitted Himself to the Father's leadership.
The members of the Trinity are interdependent.
Submit - adopt a posture of submission.
Luke 3:22
Luke 4:1, 14, 15, 18, 19
1 Corinthians 2:9 - 11, 16
1 Corinthians 13:12
Romans 8:1
God exposes what you need to change.
Satan attacks your value and says that you're worthless.
Listen - to the voice and the nudges of the Holy Spirit
Testing and impression:
- Is it consistent with the Bible?
- Will it make me more like Christ?
- Does my Church family confirm it?
- Is it consistent with how God shaped me?
- Is it convicting rather than condemning?
- Do I sense God's peace about it?
Acts 2:42 - 45