1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18
1 John 3:1
Psalm 13
"How long?"
Anger - agsinst the world, people or God.
Talk to God about your anger.
"How Long?"
An exhasperated cry!
Disappointment and a sense of injustice.
He knows how we feel and He wants us to pray to Him about it. Honest and open communication is key to a good relationship, espcially with Him.
David felt frustrated and abandoned, whilst Saul was being wicked in his kingship.
He felt abandoned by God. He was despairing.
vs 2 He was weighed down by his troubles.
Lifeline - Had the highest number of calls ever in August 2021.
vs 3 - Talking problems out with someone helps.
Delays - Teach patience and allow for personal growth.
vs 5, 6 - An amazing expression of faith.
Habakkuk 3:17, 18
Despite being in a desperate situation, his eyes were on God.
Psalm 32
Isaiah 20:48
Psalm 48
Psalm 32
vs 1
A wonderful affirmation.
Anguish of sin vs joy of forgiveness.
Transgression - rejection of God's authority.
Iniquity - distorted, twisted behaviour.
Forgiven - sin is lifted away.
The forgiven person experiences joy and peace.
Through Jesus we can experience this.
vs 3, 4
Self deception - refusal to take responsibility for sin. Sin needs to be confessed and repented of.
Only God can forgive us.
vs 5
David confessed his sin.
Invest more time alone with God.
vs 6
We have the opportunity to pray to God at any time. We need to take the opportunity to pray.
Isaiah 55:6, 7
vs 6 - 7
Psalm 27:5, 31:20, 61:4
Christ is our hiding place.
Colossians 3:3
vs 8 - 10
We need to be sure that we are teachable by God.
Romans 8:28
He leads the way and we follow.
His Grace is neither earned nor deserved, but through Jesus is it available to us.
vs 11
The righteous have been made right with God through the blood of Jesus.
We need to look to Him.
Instead of asking 'Why is this happening?' ask God 'What do you want me to learn?'
Focus on what never changes.
- Year 12 students preparing for their (COVID delayed) exams.
- Christians in Afghanistan.
Psalm 69
Many Psalms are desperate laments.
When all seems lost; except God's intervention.
vs 1 - 4
David was unloading to God his own deep feelings.
An honest guide to prayer.
Expressing our feelings to God.
vs 5
David recognised that he needed God.
vs 13 - 18
Great love
Sure salvation.
- Pointing the way to Jesus. To His death and resurrection. His sacrifice being our rescue from sin.
vs 30 - 32
David doesn't stay in the pit.
A prophetic word of hope.
vs 33 - 36
A Psalm for the broken hearted.
A model for us in times of struggle.
Psalm 80
vs 3, 19
Asking for restoration.
Numbers 6:25
Romans 15:13
Psalm 3
Prayer - Year 12 Students.
Psalm 131
vs 1
Pride - overvaluing ourselves over others, thinking that only we have the answer.
Philippians 2:3
Psalm 16:1, 9 - 11
A secure rest. Hope for life beyond death.
Joy in God's presence.
Our inheritance is in Heaven.
Psalm 3:3 - 6
Psalm 31
Luke 23:46
Psalm 31:14 - 16
Times - God's appointed times and seasons. We need to have an active trust in God.
Psalm 46:1 - 4
Revelation 22:1
Psalm 40:8 - 11
Hebrews 13:20, 21