Church notes - August 2021

Aug 29, 2021 13:56

Proverbs 3:5
Matthew 11:28

Philippians 4:6, 7

1 Timothy 2
vs 1 -3
Prayer for the leaders - so that people would not be hindered from knowing Jesus.

Behaviour in Church. Poor behaviour can be a stumbling block to people hearing and accepting the Gospel message.
Men and women are both created in God's image, are sinful and need to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Cultural context
Scripture is:
- Eternal Truth
- Cultural expression
We need to discern the difference between Eternal Truth and what applies to the Greco-Roman cultural context).

Timothy leading in Ephesus, the location of a cult worshiping the godess Diana.

Cultural transposition.
vs 11 and 12?
Learning needs quietness.
Ethical demands aren't cultural.
Context - Church Meeting
Submission and the priority of the Gospel.
Reference - Genesis 2, 3 Eve was deceived, but Adam chose to disobey.

Whatever we assert, it should point to the Cross and Resurrection, to support the Gospel message.

Psalm 19

1 Timothy 3


Timothy was in over his head - the Ephesian church was in crisis.

1 Timothy 1:3, 19
1 Timothy 2:8, 9

Church leadership styles
Presbyterian - Lead by Elders in the local church.
Episcopal - Lead by Bishops.
Congregational - The congregation makes decisions.

Paul didn't prefer any over the others. He focused on the character of the leaders.

vs 1
Different ways of understanding.
- Need to be married?
- No polygamists
- No divorcees who remarried?
- Remarried widowers?
- No unfaithfulness

vs 2 - 5
One who manages their household well.
Not a recent convert.
Have a good reputation.

vs 10
Someone who knows Scripture and lives it out.

Enabiling and helping the Christian Church was Paul's priority.

The Church - God's household and family.

Protecting the Gospel message by ensuring that the Church has a good reputation in the community.

1 Timothy 4
Parallels between Physical Training and Physical Training.
Training in Prayer
Deciding to pray. Setting aside the time to pray. Seeking the LORD's guidance. It is part of our relationship with Him.
Pray for - others to know Christ
- for the Church.
vs 1 - 3
Early Gnostic beliefs - angels teaching about God. That is false.
Colossians 2:18, 19
We have access to God the Father.
Bible reading.
vs 13

Character Development
The Fruit of the Spirit
We should be known for kindness, self control, etc.

vs 2 - 5
They were against marriage, and intimate relations in that relationship.
God had made Marriage good, but the Fall has caused problematic attitudes to creep in.

Legalism creates a barrier

Jesus wasn't found in an isolated monastery, but at dinner with tax collectors and sinners.

Hebrews 12:1 - 3

1 Timothy 5:1 - 16
Prorities - supporting each other in Christ.
We are all works in progress.

1 Timothy 4:12
People were disrespecting Timothy because of his youth.

vs 1, 2
Exhort - urge and encourage.
Correcting, admonishing and comforting.
Promoting unity.

Ephesians 4:29
The listener should be benefited and helped.

Those who are vulnerable.
Deuteronomy 10:18
Deuteronomy 24:27

Widows were vulnerable and exploited.

vs 16

Acts 6:1
Acts 9: 40 - 43

Personal responsibilities
The Widow's family should care for her, not the Church.

Christian relief should not belittle.

Psalm 127
Philippians 4:4 - 9

Psalm 116
vs 12, 13
vs 6 - 8
The psalm is about deliverance from death.

Deuteronomy 6:5
A rare expression of love for God in the Old Testament, along with Psalm 116.

vs 2
Continual Prayer
In his pain, the psalmist called on the LORD.

vs 5 - 7
God cares for us. How do we respond to crises? We should respond by turning to Him.

Selah (Not in this psalm.)
Pause and reflect.
Reflect on verse 7

God is a God who is there for us. Our Creator, Redeemer and friend. He wants to be our strength, hope and peace.

vs 12

Romans 12:1, 2

1 timothy 4, 1 timothy 2, 1 timothy 5, 1 timothy 3, psalm 116, 1 timothy, church

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