Church notes - 8th August 2021

Aug 08, 2021 15:44

Psalm 19

1 Timothy 3


Timothy was in over his head - the Ephesian church was in crisis.

1 Timothy 1:3, 19
1 Timothy 2:8, 9

Church leadership styles
Presbyterian - Lead by Elders in the local church.
Episcopal - Lead by Bishops.
Congregational - The congregation makes decisions.

Paul didn't prefer any over the others. He focused on the character of the leaders.

vs 1
Different ways of understanding.
- Need to be married?
- No polygamists
- No divorcees who remarried?
- Remarried widowers?
- No unfaithfulness

vs 2 - 5
One who manages their household well.
Not a recent convert.
Have a good reputation.

vs 10
Someone who knows Scripture and lives it out.

Enabiling and helping the Christian Church was Paul's priority.

The Church - God's household and family.

Protecting the Gospel message by ensuring that the Church has a good reputation in the community.

1 timothy 2, psalm 19, 1 timothy 3, 1 timothy, 1 timothy 1, church

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