Church notes - 25th July 2021

Jul 25, 2021 15:03

Acts 16:25 - 34
Acts 6:1 - 7

Prayer - South Africa (COVID has exacerbated preexisting political issues!)

Matthew 28:18 - 20
Mark 12:29 - 31

Purposes of Church
Worship of God
Fellowship, supporting each other.
Ministry - Practically helping.
If we did these five things well we would be healthy Christians and we would form a healthy church.

Titus 1:5 - 9

Acts 6:1 - 7

The twelve affirmed that welfare was important, but not more important than spiritual ministry.

Episkepos - Overseer or bishop.
Presbuteros - Elder (older age, greater in wisdom and maturity)

1 Peter 5:1 - 3

Poimen - Shepherd or pastor
Diakemos - Servant

Shepherd of the flock
1 Peter 5:2
Teach and Exhort
1 Timothy 3:2

Manage God's Church

Be an example to the church.
A life that demonstrates Christ.

Standing up for truth - Refuting those who oppose it.
Titus 1:9
Those who understand the Gospel to teach it.

Care for those in need.
James 1:27

Protect the flock of God.

Acts 20:29
Protecting from wolves amongst the flock, who would teach false doctrines.

Leadership in the New Testament developed in response to situations that arose.

Spiritual Care.

We need to be willing and available to step up to leadership position if God calls us.

acts 20, gospel of mark, acts 16, 1 timothy 3, james 1, acts, 1 timothy, gospel of matthew, mark 12, church, titus 1, 1 peter 5, 1 peter, acts 6, matthew 28

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