Church notes - May, June 2021

Jun 27, 2021 15:54

Psalm 13

Haggai 1

Renew the work of God by resetting our priorities.
The returning Jews forget their purpose. Haggai's message was to encourage them
vs 4
vs 7, 8
The people were preoccupied with their own agendas.

A call to self examination.
vs 5, 7
Give careful thought to your ways.
vs 12, 13
This was good news in their uncertainty.

Hebrews 13:5
Matthew 28:20

He stirred up the spirit of the Zerubabel and the people.

The Glory of the New House.
Haggai 2:6 -9

Jesus' ministry superceded the Temple.

Zerubabel is the LORD's signet ring.
Haggai 2:20 - 23
The power lay in Zerubabel rather than in the political powers of the day.

Overview of Zechariah

Zechariah 4

There are circumstances in which we can be discouraged.

The Jews were discouraged because the new Temple wouldn't be as grand as the Temple of Solomon.

Discouragement for us as a result of the societial changes surrouding COVID.
vs 6
But God is our sustainer. Our renewal comes through Him.
vs 7
Obstacles will be removed by God.
Too many live with a sense of fear rather than hope.
But we have the power of the Spirit to move mountains.
In times of discouragement we need to pray.
vs 10
God's work must not be despised because of it's small beginnings.
Don't be discourged with small beginnings.

Prayer - that those who are discouraged would look to God.

Isaiah 53

Acts 2:1 - 40

Zechariah 7
Are you serving God? Or are you serving yourselves?
What is your heart like?
vs 4 - 7

Fasting - meant to be with a heart of repentance.
Think about how you worship. It should be more than an outward sign. Are you actually listening to God?
vs 7 - 10
Administering true Justice (What takes place isn't necessarily 'Just')

Lamentations 3:22

The alien - The term may to refugees in the current time.

Deuteronomy 10:18

We should follow this example!

1 Corinthians 12:12 - 25
Prayer: India
(The COVID situation as well as Hindu nationalists targeting Christians in their villages...)

Ecclesiastes 7:1 - 4
Matthew 5:4

Sadness - Healing for those who are facing loss.
Mourning - respecting that loved one.
Problems and concerns need to be faced.
There is no time when we're beyond needing God's help.

Fasting - dedicating time to call upon God for help.

Matthew 6:31 - 33
God actually knows how life should be lived. We need to be in relationship with God. He is in us and is taking care of us.

Romans 8:29 - 39
God is in us and He won't let us fall into despair.

30th May
Psalm 97

Ezra 7:1 - 10

When all is said and done... what?

Parallels between the Return of Israel following the exile and the present day as the world emerges from COVID.

Ezra 7 - 10
vs 7:1
After the Temple had been rebuilt and a large celebration in Jerusalem.

He was devoted to God's word.
We need to be devoted to the Word.

vs 8:32
The gracious hand of God.

Dedicated, set apart.

Re-aligning our values.

1. A call to live in our God-created identity.
Matthew 5:48

In the post-COVID new normal.

Gather diffferently and better.
Take prayer to a new level.
Make lasting changes that make a difference.

2. Get into the Bible
Nehemiah 8
vs 6 particularly.

3. Gather with God's people.
Romans 12:8
We belong together.

How does your experience of gathering together now differ from before COVID?

6th June
John 14:27

Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah 2:1 - 10
As the book of Nehemiah opens, Jerusalem is in trouble. Judah's enemies, the Samaritans, have prevented the Jews from repairing Jerusalem's broken-down defenses. All seems to be lost. But God has a plan.

Nehemiah prays every day.
vs 6
Nehemiah confesses his sins as well as those of his forefathers.

Nehemiah 1:8
Deuteronomy 30:1
Scattering as a result of disobedience.
Nehemiah 1:9
Deuteronomy 30:3
A God who scatters in judgement.
A God who gathers - for repentance.

The month of Nissan - Nehemiah prayed for four months.

2:3, 4
Nehemiah had the King's favour.

Short desparate prayers are fine, if they are preceded by consistent earnest prayer.

In those times when all seems to be lost God has a plan.
Nehemiah could have enjoyed a quiet and happy life in the palace, but he chose to step up. In times of frustration, trouble or loss, God might call on you to step up and take up action.
Nehemiah prays for months until it is time to bring the matter to the King. We must be diligent in prayer and be sensitive to God's leading.
A reversal of the Superpower's policies and be brought about by God to accomplish His plan.


13th June
- of COVID
- of anything

Prayer - that we can overcome our fears, including of COVID spreading in our community.

Nehemiah 3, 4

Fear - COVID infected vistors cause fear.
Fear in Jerusalem while Nehemiah oversees the rebuilding of the wall.
2.1 kilometres. 41 different sections delegated.
The Nobles who weren't working - there are always people like that.
Nine gates.
Sanballet and Tobias - They tried to undermine the confidence of the Jews.

vs 6

But morale can be fickle.
vs 7
Beginning with prayer, but following it up with practical activity.
Prayer and practical action aren't incompatable.

Exhausted workers.
vs 10
Fear was driving the exhaustion.
vs 11
Panic and fear were spreading, the perception of danger was derailing the project.

vs 13
Soldiers were posted at the vulnerable points.

Psalm 127

Conviction - The Holy Spirit says you have sinned.
Condemnation - Satan says you are worthless.

Ephesians 6:12
Nehemiah 6:16

Self interest motivated the enemies to oppose the Jews.

We need to reinforce and encourage each other to overcome fear.

20th June
Psalm 51
Psalm 32
Romans 8:28-39

Nehemiah 6:16
Realigning with God's priorities.

Nehemiah 8
vs 6
The need for renewal.
Is there any doubt that we need renewal in our Christian lives?
Priority for Jesus and His Kingdom.

Joy in the Lord?
Expectancy that God will act in your life?
God's power in our lives?
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit?
Conform to the Sermon on the Mount.
Know Jesus, follow Him.

There are no easy six steps to renewal.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Repentance - agreement with God about our behaviour.

Reverence of Scripture
Worship of God.
vs 8:6

Psalm 95:6, 7
Comprehension of Scripture.
vs 2 - 9 - The Jews understood what the Scriptures meant.
Remorse for sin.
They wept because of their sin.

Rejoice in God's fellowship.
Obedience to the Word of God.

vs 13 - 18

27th June
Isaiah 32:9 - 20

Malachi 1, 2
There are going to be disappointments and setbacks.

Identifying what we need to change.
Confronting complacency.

Complacent about God's love.
vs 1:2
They were doubting God's love.

They were looking for something more.
See what God is doing. This is what God is doing. Look beyond your disappointment. See Jesus on the Cross, dying for your sins.

Complacent in worship.
vs 6 - 8
Disrespecting God.
Worship is about God and our love for Him.

Deuteronomy 15:21

Malachi 1:11

Has our worship and service of God become a tiresome burden?
We need to give God our best!
vs 14

Psalm 96:8, 9

Complacency in Marriage vows.

Malachi 2:11

Marriage is a covenant.
Deuteronomy 7:3

Malachi 2:!3

God is witness to the marriage covenant.
More than two people.
Divorce is "breaking faith" with your spouse.
We are God's property by creation.
God hates divorce.
Malachi 2:16
God Abhor's marital violence.
The desire for divorce is a spiritual problem.
We need to affirm and build the marital relationship.
Divorce and marital violence hinder our prayers
1 Peter 2:7

We should not be complacent. Marriage is a covenant, which reflects the covenant God has with us.

nehemiah 1, malachi 1, ezra 7, malachi, ecclesiastes 7, zechariah 7, zechariah 4, zechariah, haggai 1, ecclesiastes, ezra, haggai, church, nehemiah 4, nehemiah, nehemiah 8

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