John 14:27
Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah 2:1 - 10
As the book of Nehemiah opens, Jerusalem is in trouble. Judah's enemies, the Samaritans, have prevented the Jews from repairing Jerusalem's broken-down defenses. All seems to be lost. But God has a plan.
Nehemiah prays every day.
vs 6
Nehemiah confesses his sins as well as those of his forefathers.
Nehemiah 1:8
Deuteronomy 30:1
Scattering as a result of disobedience.
Nehemiah 1:9
Deuteronomy 30:3
A God who scatters in judgement.
A God who gathers - for repentance.
The month of Nissan - Nehemiah prayed for four months.
2:3, 4
Nehemiah had the King's favour.
Short desparate prayers are fine, if they are preceded by consistent earnest prayer.
In those times when all seems to be lost God has a plan.
Nehemiah could have enjoyed a quiet and happy life in the palace, but he chose to step up. In times of frustration, trouble or loss, God might call on you to step up and take up action.
Nehemiah prays for months until it is time to bring the matter to the King. We must be diligent in prayer and be sensitive to God's leading.
A reversal of the Superpower's policies and be brought about by God to accomplish His plan.