Daria and the Flynn Fletchers - Big Ideas in Lawndale - Part 2

May 16, 2021 19:41

8:30 AM
Perry approached the downtown area of the Wisconsin town. He had rarely been in Lawndale before. Most of Doof’s schemes focused on Danville. He located the building that Doof was using for the Lawndale branch of his business.

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!
In Lawn-da-ale!
Perry landed on the roof. He then entered via a duct. He soon found the large room where Doofenshmirtz had set up one of his Inators. Immediately he was trapped. One of Doof’s trapinators.

“Ahhh, Perry the Platypus!”

Perry chattered.

“You’re wondering why I have set up a lair in Lawndale aren’t you? I realised that my schemes have focused on Danville, as that’s the larger town, or city, in the Tri-State-Area, but I haven’t done anything with the other two towns.”

Perry looked around and quickly saw the Inator.

“After the failure of the Popularity Ampliifc-transfer-Inator Yesterday, I designed something simpler...” He gave a grand gesture towards his Inator “…Behold! The Robotic Mischief Inator! It controls a vast quantity of small robots that will cause havoc throughout Lawndale and the nearby parts of Danville and the other town, Oak… something.”

Perry glared at him.

“You want to know more of my backstory don’t you?” After a pause, he launched into his backstory.

2308 Maple Drive, 9:00 AM
Baljeet Tjinder entered the Flynn Fletcher’s yard. “Hi. What are you doing today?” he asked.

Phineas turned from his supervising of Ferb constructing the advanced vehicle. “We’re building an advanced vehicle. We’re then going to investigate Lawndale.”

“Lawndale, that’s the Wisconsin part of the Tri-State-Area, right?”

“That’s right.”


Daria looked out, “I see that Baljeet is over here again,” she said.

“Yeah, he’s involved with their ‘projects’ most of the time,” Candace commented.

phineas flynn, daria, baljeet tjinder, candace flynn, phineas and ferb, heinz doofenshmirtz, fan fiction, perry the platypus, daria morgendorffer

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