Church notes - Easter Sunday 2021

Apr 04, 2021 16:33

Romans 8:9 - 11
Philippians 3:7 - 9

Mark 14:49 - 52

The disciples were afraid.

Matthew 28:1
Mark 16:1
Luke 24:1
John 20:1
All had fled, except some women.

Mary Magdelene
- She may not have been promiscuous or involved in prostitution, but Jesus did free her from demon possession.

God's love is unconditional.

No matter what we have done, we are forgiven,

Most relationships are transactional, with conditions. Not so with God.

Romans 5:6 - 8

Christ died for us!

Because of the Resurrection
- We can experience life beyond death.
Romans 8:11
Romans 6:3 - 5
An absolute certainty.
Colossians 3:1
Romans 8:33
The Resurrection is the basis of our confidence in our Salvation.

Because of the Resurrection
- Our lives have purpose and meaning.
We are part of God's purpose.

What are you going to put into the box?

Philippians 3:7 - 9
What Paul had acheived as a Pharisee meant a lot in the Jewish culture of the day. He was a person of power in the community. But he threw it away after the Damascus Road encounter. What it was was nothing compared to Christ.

Jesus needs to be at the centre and the purpose of your life.

If a man can predict his own death and resurrection and pull it off, I just go with whatever that man says - Andy Standly

gospel of mark, gospel of john, mark 16, gospel of luke, philippians 3, colossians, colossians 3, matthew 28, john 20, philippians, romans 5, gospel of matthew, church, luke 24, easter sunday, romans 6, romans 8

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