Church notes - February, March 2021

Mar 28, 2021 20:03


James 1:2 - 12

Isaiah 54:10
Psalm 136

Cancel Culture - a modern form of Ostracism.
Unforgiveness - is the exact opposite of the Christian Message.

Cancel Culture is unjust and unfair.

James - a book of wisdom.
- A half brother of Jesus who became a believer.

Jewish diaspora around the Mediterranian. Many turned against the new Christians.

Hebrews 12:11

An understanding that we have hope in Eternal life, because of what has been done through Jesus. That there is something more.

2 Corinthians 7:4
2 Corinthians 11
Despite the hardship, Paul's joy knew no bounds.

Acts 12, 16
Despite persecution, the Apostles found joy.

Artesian joy - Joy that flows from within.
He is in charge.
Trials and difficult are part of everyone's life.
vs 3
We overcome through Him.
We can't develop toughness without testing.
Romans 5:3, 4
The testing of our faith helps us to grow.

Every irritation is an opportunity to grow. Trials are not signs of God's disapproval but an opportunity to grow.

God's plan is not for our comfort, but for our character development.

14th February
James 1:18 - 27
vs 19
Good relationship advice! Our relationships would go much better if we follow it.

Five things which will help us be 'quick to listen'.
1. We must work at truly listening to others. "Listening is loving the neighbour as thyself; his concerns and problems are sufficiently important to be heard."
2. If we do not control our time, someone else will!
3. We must read God's Word, and that involves more than advancing a bookmark. It means "listening" as we read.
4. We must slow down and take time to listen.
5. We must prepare for worship and the hearing of God's Word.

Proverbs 10:19
Proverbs 16:32

An angry spirit is not one who is listening or able to be taught.

vs 21
Anger produces an ungodly and unrighteous life.
Our selfish anger doesn't produce the righteousness of God.
It's about listening and doing what it says!

vs 26, 27

vs 18
We fall short. That's why Jesus went to the Cross.
Communication with God.
Hearing, Accepting and doing what He says.

21st February
Psalm 100

Colossians 1:9, 10

James 2:1 - 13
Causes rejection and heartache.
It shouldn't happen in the church.
Example - In the 18th Century the Church of England was elitist. John Wesley formed the Methodist Church for the downtrodden. But in the mid 19th Century, the Booths formed the Salvation Army, in part, as a response to Methodist elitism.

vs 2, 3
That more value is placed on Rich people - that's detestable!
Favouritism is indicative of a heart with out a sense of grace.

Acts 10:9 - 16
Peter learned not to discriminate against Gentiles.

- Only looking at part of something, or someone's personality.

At the foot of the Cross there is level ground. We all fall short.
vs 8
vs 9
A scandalous breach of God's love.

vs 12
A stark and serious warning.
There may be no condemnation, but Christians will still be judged.

Discrimination - evidence of sin and lack of mercy in one's heart.
vs 13

We should find a place in our hearts for every person, for they are all valuable to God.
Deeply flawed yet valuable to God.

We need to understand these truths.

Forgiveness is a done deal, acheived at the Cross.

We need to be focused on Christ, rather than ourselves, so we can welcome all without favouritism.

March 7
Romans 8:20 - 39

Matthew 28:19, 20

Philippians 4:4 - 7
Rejoice in who God is.

James 3
The power of words. e.g. The War of the Worlds broadcast in 1938.
Our tongue is a powerful thing.
The tongue may be small but it causes large things to happen.

Flattery and Gossip are destructive,
Criticism can be demotivating.
vs 7

The main point: what comes out of our mouths reveals what is in our hearts.
Ephesians 4:20
What is edifying or can build up. Encouragement.

It should meet others needs.
Our speech should benefit others

Psalm 40:10
Share with others what God has done for us.

Proverbs 14:20
We need to learn how to listen. We need to first listen.

We have a tongue taming and heart healing God in the sense that we have a God who seeks to tame the human heart.

14th March
Psalm 96

Kids Talk - James 3:1 - 12

Sermon: Wisdom - James 3:13 - 18
What are pathways to wisdom
Reverence - respectful fear of God.
Proverbs 9:10.
We know He is all loving and sovereign. We need to know how big He is and how sinful we are.
This leads to...
Conversion - 'In Christ'
1 Corinthians 1:30
The Cross is the Wisdom of God. Through it we have been saved.
Psalm 119:97 - 100

James 1:5

vs 14
Outworkings of false wisdom. These don't allow God's wisdom to work in our lives.
vs 15
Earthly wisdom - destructive
vs 16
vs 17
Get rid of doublemindedness. Have a single minded focus on God.
A position of kindness.
Open to reason, to be reasoned with and teachable.
For example: When David reacted to Nabal's foolishness in an aggressive way, he allowed Abigail's reason to persuade him to do what was right. 1 Samuel 25:23 - 35.


Honesty. Not masking one's true intentions or personality.

It blesses every relationship we have. There is no place in our relationships for earthly wisdom, otherwise they would be of poor quality.

21st March
Psalm 19

James 4:1 - 10
Signs of an unhealthy church.
Fights and arguments.
vs 2
Lack of prayer
We need to take things to God in prayer.
Praying with wrong motives.
We need to pray for His plan to come to fruition,
Not treat Him like a vending machine!
Our motives should be to glorify Him, not to have more stuff.

Obsession with pleasure
An unhealthy relationship with the World.

vs 7
Can't love God and the World at the same time. It's mutually exclusive!

Matthew 22:37
The Greatest Commandment

Spiritual Adultery
- It makes us an enemy of God!
- It is as painful to Him as to when one of us experiences Marital Adultery.

Resist the Devil
vs 8
We need a sense of humility. A humble attitude to life.

Submit to God. Vs 7

Resist the Devil and he will flee.
Come now to God and he will flee.

Ephesians 6
The aspects of the armor.
When they are working, we can resist the Devil.

Draw near to God.
Choose to draw near to God.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son - The Father saw the son in the distance and ran to him.

Purify your hearts.
Clean up your thinking and actions.

Doublemindedness - wanting to draw close to God and to the World at the same time. That's absurd!

Grieve, mourn and wail.

Humble yourselves to God.
Yeild yourselves to Him. Your worth comes from Him alone.

We need to cultivate a teachable heart.

Proverbs 12:15

'It seemed like a good idea at the time' - usually stated after a foolish action leads to disaster!

28th March - AM
John 12:12 - 27
James 4:13 - 17
A year ago... Sudden COVID Restrictions!
Confident to lost in a heartbeat!
Circumstances can change.
We need to ask 'what is God's will in this?'
vs 13, 14
Life is uncertain and brief.
COVID, a bridge falling down, a house floating away in a flood.
Fog of life. We can only see a short way ahead.
Job 7:6

Psalm 101

Psalm 37
Psalm 90:12

We make plans without considering God.
God has different plans. We need to pray about what His plan is. This presupposes a close relationship with God and a good prayer life.

We need to say from the heart...
If God wills, I will spend my time...
If God wills, my children will become...
If God wills, I will take up this ministry...
If God wills, I will wake up tomorrow and...

We need to seek after Him in prayer.

vs 16
Amazing arrogance.

Daniel 4:28 - 37
The result of Nebuchadnezzar's pride and arrogance.

vs 17

The events of this life aren't as important as Eternity.

Many people say that they value a personal faith but then refuse to allow it to cost them anything. They don't want it to cost them in terms of time, effort, resources or lifestyle. If you say you value faith, then it stands to reason taht you aught to expect that it would cost you something as well.
Are you prepared to pay the cost?

28th March - PM
John 20:1-20
Evidence of the Resurrection
The Church is the legacy of Jesus.
Roman documents...
Jesus rising from the dead - a game changer.
Without faith in the Resurrection there wouldn't have been a Christianity at all.
Sir Lionel Luckhoo, attorney
245 Consecutive murder convictions
Investigated the evidence for the Resurrection and believed.

Evidence of the Resurrection.
1. Evidence of the empty tomb.
Objection 1 - The Swoon theory
- That He didn't die, just went into a coma.

Objection - Whipped 39 times, crucified, and pearced by a spear, wrapped in 34 kilograms of bandages and spices.

Objection 2
The stolen theory
Matthew 28:11 - 13
The Roman Authorities?
The Jewish Authorities?
The Disciples?
Many were executed for their faith.
The Hallucination Theory
Hallucinations are not group events!
They weren't expecting the Resurrection.
Jesus appeared to believers and non believers.
Acts 2:22
No one objected, but 3000 were saved.
Objection 4
The wrong tomb theory.
This was not a little execution.
If there ws a wrong tomb - then there was a right tomb.
Over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled.

Acts 1:13

The change in the disciples
One minute they're defeated... The next they're taking on the world.
One minute they're crushed... The next they're confident.
One minute they're paralysed with fear... The next they're filled with faith.

What changed them?

'The transformation of the disciples is perhaps the greatest evidence of all for the Resurrection' - John Stott

John 8:32

There is no other explanation.
Easter is an opportunity.

james 3, john 20, james 1, gospel of john, james 4, james 2, church

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