James 1:2 - 12
Isaiah 54:10
Psalm 136
Cancel Culture - a modern form of Ostracism.
Unforgiveness - is the exact opposite of the Christian Message.
Cancel Culture is unjust and unfair.
James - a book of wisdom.
- A half brother of Jesus who became a believer.
Jewish diaspora around the Mediterranian. Many turned against the new Christians.
Hebrews 12:11
An understanding that we have hope in Eternal life, because of what has been done through Jesus. That there is something more.
2 Corinthians 7:4
2 Corinthians 11
Despite the hardship, Paul's joy knew no bounds.
Acts 12, 16
Despite persecution, the Apostles found joy.
Artesian joy - Joy that flows from within.
He is in charge.
Trials and difficult are part of everyone's life.
vs 3
We overcome through Him.
We can't develop toughness without testing.
Romans 5:3, 4
The testing of our faith helps us to grow.
Every irritation is an opportunity to grow. Trials are not signs of God's disapproval but an opportunity to grow.
God's plan is not for our comfort, but for our character development.