Excerpt from: The Engineer and the Time Lady
After watching the playback, the EMH was concerned. Clearly, being on the Baffin didn't really help Aialah with the trauma she had undergone. 'Being afraid of a male hologram,' she thought.
Alpha was waiting. “So...”
“I can't do anything if she doesn't come to me about it.”
“I know that,” Alpha said, the concern showing on her face. “Computer, transfer me back to the Bridge.”
The EMH sighed. She went to the Chief Medical Officer's office and reopened the files on both Aialah and Nina. 'Maybe they can help each other.' But at least Nina had come for help. 'But she hasn't been back since we left the planet either.'
The turbolift stopped and the doors opened giving Aialah a view of Engineering. “Is that the Warp Core?” she asked as she stepped out.
“Yes,” Gamma answered. “The power comes from the mutual annihilation of matter and antimatter, with the reaction being mediated by the use of Dilithium crystals.”
She came up to the Warp Core. “Dilithium?”
“The crystal lattice allows for an efficient matter-antimatter reaction, which makes Warp Drive possible.”
Words: 181
Excerpt from: Biden and the Past Presidents
28 January 2021
The Secret Service agent again lead Biden to the subbasement room where the Temporal Vehicle was kept. It seemed that most of the meetings were still antagonistic.He was still sure that he wasn't at fault.
“Good Evening, Mr. President.”
“Is it ready?” he asked.
“It has been every time you asked, Mr. President,” the technician said.
Words: 60
Excerpt from: A New Generation - Farpoint
After beaming down, Riker recorded a log entry. “Personal log, Commander William Riker. Stardate 41153.7. The USS Hood has dropped me off at Farpoint Station, where I await the arrival of the new USS Enterprise to which I have been assigned as First Officer. Meanwhile I have been asked to visit the Farpoint Administrator's Office, in the old city.”
Riker entered Administrator Zorn’s office.
“Ah, Commander Riker, I thought you’d want to know we’ve still no word from the Enterprise. I trust the Hood is staying until they arrive?”
Words: 89
Excerpt from: 2000 Map Game
The shares in many Space Applications companies collapse in a manner similar to the Dot Com Bubble.
South America
Rebellion begins in Patagonia.
White people continue to flee from South Africa. They also begin fleeing to Australasia.
Further integration occurs in the European Union.
War breaks out between Azerbaijan and Armenia…
Words: 54
Excerpt from: Legacy of the Doctor - Time Heist
Computer: Banking floor locking down.
Saibra (Disguised): They know we’re here.
Computer: Banking floor locking down.
Words: 16
Total: 402