13th January 2021 Writing

Jan 14, 2021 19:00


Excerpt from: A New Generation - Farpoint
Troi looked around the courtroom. She could detect nothing from the people there other than the other officers who arrived with her. But she knew Q was there, somewhere.

“Historically intriguing, Captain,” Data said. “Very, very accurate.”

“Mid 21st Century, during the Post Atomic Horror,” Picard said, referring to the many warlord states that arose in the aftermath of the nuclear exchange at the end of World War Three.

‘Could have been worse,’ Troi thought. It could have been Nazi Germany, Khmer Rouge Cambodia or the Great Khanate.

“All present, stand and make respectful attention to the honoured Judge,” the bailiff said.

Troi leaned closer to the Captain. “Careful sir. This is not an illusion or a dream.”

“But these courts happened in the past.”

“I don’t understand either, but this is real.”

“Get to your feet, criminals!”

Then Q appeared, in a garb appropriate to a ‘Judge’ of the era.

“At least we’re acquainted with the Judge, Captain,” Data remarked.

Picard stood. “Can we assume you mean this will be a fair trial?”

“Yes,” Q answered. “Absolutely equitable. Proceed.”

The Bailiff spoke again. “Before this gracious court now appear these prisoners to answer for the multiple and grievous savageries of their species. How plead you, criminal?”

Words: 207

Excerpt from: Daria in the Background
“But you can’t go! You’ll ruin everything!”

Daria smirked. “But I need to broaden my social horizons,” she added, with an imitation of their mother’s voice.

Quinn gave out a noise of frustration and ran out of the room. “Mom! Dad! Daria is ruining my life again!”

Helen was glad her older daughter was going to go a party. “Now, Quinn, don’t begrudge your sister an opportunity to gain a friend.”

“I doubt a friendship with Brittany would last,” Quinn groused.

“Touché, Quinn.”

Quinn was still annoyed. “You should ground her, because, her room is a mess!”

Two could play that game. “If I go down for that one, I’m taking you with me.”

If only they could get along. “I think it’s great that you are going to be spending time together. Dad and I would be happy to drive you to the party and pick you up!”

“No!” both daughters said simultaneously.

“Thanks, but I’ll find some other way to get there,” Quinn said as she left the kitchen.

Daria watched Quinn leave. She wasn’t sure why she was going to the party. Was it just to annoy Quinn? ‘I can still find some out of the way place to watch what ever goes on, including what Quinn may get up to,’ she thought.

“Daria, I’d like it if you would look after Quinn at this party.”

Daria sighed. “I don’t know what I did, but it couldn’t have been that bad.”

“I mean it. And she doesn’t have to know about it.”

“Is this your way of saying how much more mature and trustworthy I am?”

Crew Neck, October 4th, 7:32 PM
Daria walked towards Brittany’s mansion.

Words: 280

Excerpt from: Troubles of Ronisaka
“Just, the Doctor.”

“That’s what he goes by, just run with it,” Clara added.

“Sure,” Mariko said, even though she wasn’t sure. ‘There’s something strange about him…’ she pondered.

“He had been threatening to do something drastic for months,” Megumi resumed, answering the Doctor’s question.

“So, something else must be in the works…” the Doctor said.

“There would be a response to what happened,” Clara said.

“It’s unlikely to come today,” Megumi said.

“You never know,” the Doctor said. “In any case, we need to find a place to stay.”

“We just arrived today,” Clara added.

“The Drowned Raccoon is a good motel,” Mariko said.

“You say that because your brother runs it,” Megumi interjected.

“Maybe…” Mariko said. ‘She still has a bug in her hair about that?’

The Doctor and Clara emerged from the café to find the Police subs departing. “Something is still bothering me…” the Doctor said.

“You think Kamasagi has a plan to escape custody?”

“We’ll keep an eye on the News,” Clara decided.

The Drowned Racoon was only a short distance down the street.

Words: 180

Excerpt from: Trouble at the Coffee House
They didn’t just take a few computers… They took the symbol of our virtual community. To visit Alt.Lawndale.Com was to come together with the planet.”

“Oh, come on!” Darian Morgendorffer exclaimed.

Words: 31

Excerpt from: Reverse Map Game 2017
North America
Nordic nations
Concerns are raised in the various Nordic nations, but especially in the Althing of Green Bay, about the increased immigration from the KNASG. However, the number of Anglophones are still less than 10%.
Further west in the Minnesota Commonwealth (especially in the area that would later become Midgard/Carrol County) it is less than 3%.

Words: 59

Total: 757

january writing, clara oswald, alternate history, doctor who, star trek, encounter at farpoint, q, daria morgendorffer, timothy o'neil, daria, eleventh doctor, data, the next generation, quinn morgendorffer, deanna troi, fan fiction, jean-luc picard, helen morgendorffer

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