Excerpt from: Into the Breach
It was Oliver Brown, one of the other resident assistants. “Someone is missing,” he said.
“What do you know?” Queenie asked.
“Not much.”
Words: 23
Excerpt from: Paternoster Row
Clara, Vastra and Jenny sat next to the fire as Robin and two of the Merry Men guarded them. “Any indication that they may not be real?” Clara asked.
“Not so far,” Vastra answered. “They smell normal.”
Words: 37
Excerpt from: Daria in the Background
“Isn’t there someone else you can ask?” Daria asked in an annoyed tone.
“Umm, No!”
Daria quickly showed Brittany by drawing lines converging at a point and using the example of Cashman’s having a sale. Brittany got it she was still confused. “Is Cashman’s really having a one day sale?”
“I don’t know,” Daria answered.
Words: 55
Excerpt from: A New Generation - Farpoint
He let his anger show as he said. “No! The most dangerous 'same old story' is the one we're meeting now! Those who go on misinformation, half-information, self-righteous life forms who are eager not to learn but to prosecute, to judge anything they don't understand or can't tolerate.
Q seemed to have an ‘ah ha!’ moment. “What an interesting idea. Prosecute and judge?” he said as he stepped towards the Captain. “And suppose it turns out we understand you humans only too well?”
“We’ve no fear of what the true facts about us will reveal.”
Troi was annoyed. That annoyance wasn’t enough to override the fear of what Q could do.
“The facts about you? Splendid! Splendid! You are a veritable fountain of good ideas. There are preparations to make, Captain, but when I return…” Q then vanished from sight. But Troi could still sense his presence somewhere nearby.
As Worf and Yar made the case for fighting against Q, the being sent a telepathic message. ‘…And don’t you have your secrets? It would be a shame if I revealed them.’
‘Stay out of my mind, Q! I’m not afraid of what you might reveal,’ she sent back although she was afraid of what the being may say. ‘I’ll deal with it afterwards,’ she thought to herself.
“Sense anything, Counsellor?” the Captain asked.
“Its mind is much too powerful, sir. And frightening. Concur we avoid further contact if possible!”
The Captain thought for a moment and came up with an idea. After ordering for radio silence and for engineering to prepare for maximum acceleration he asked Data about using Saucer Separation at high warp.
Worf returned from Engineering. He hoped the Captain’s plan, whatever it was, would work. “Engine Room ready, sir.”
“The board shows green, Captain. All go,” Troi said.
The Captain moved back to the command chain. “Stand by… Engage!”
The Enterprise began moving.
Q looked as Enterprise began moving. Oh those Humans, trying to escape his trial. He was well aware of what the Captain planned, but decided to play with them…
“We’re now at Warp 9.3, sir. Which takes us past the red line, sir,” Worf repored.
“Continue accelerating,” the Captain ordered. He turned to Troi.
“Counselor, at this point I’m open even to guesses about what we’ve just met.”
“It….” She took a moment to compose herself. To try to articulate what she had felt. Not even the Betazoid linga franca she grew up with had words for it. She was also uncertain the Universal Translator would parse them right. It had to be kept simple, and in Federation Standard. “It felt like something beyond what we’d consider a ‘life form’.
“Very, very advanced, sir. Or…” She thought for a moment. “Or certainly, very, very different!”
The Enterprise continued to accelerate as whatever it was chased her.
Words: 473
Excerpt from: The Engineer and the Time Lady
He stayed alert, prepared for anything. Suddenly he saw a motorcycle headlamp behind him. ‘Uh oh!’
Before he could react, he saw another two vehicles veer off the opposite side of the motorway.
Words: 33
Excerpt from: Troubles of Ronisaka
“What!” Kamasagi cried as he turned around to see that his associates were captured.
“Leave now!” the Doctor said.
Words: 19
Total: 640