Church notes - November 2020

Nov 29, 2020 15:34

1st November
Psalm 100

Hebrews 5:1 - 10
Hebrews 9:11 - 15

God is
Omnipotent - All powerful
Omniscient - All knowing
Omnipresent - Everywhere

Psalm 100:5

God is good.

We do make bad choices that hurt ourselves and others.

Jeremiah 29:11
1. God's plan for our lives will always be good. He will see us through all difficulties.

Psalm 31

His goodness is there waiting for you.
Romans 8:28
He works for good in all circumstances.

e.g. Joseph and his brothers...
Genesis 50:20

2. God gives me grace, not what I deserve

(Two lines from Hamlet.
HAMLET: Go out and give them what they deserve.
POLONIUS: Then who will escape a whipping?)

Psalm 103: 10 - 12

3. God puts my good above His own welfare.

John 10:14
Romans 8:32
God gave up His Son as a sacrifice for us.

4. God does not say yes to every request

You don't realise what you're asking.

Luke 11:9 - 13
Isaiah 55:8, 9

5. He wants to shephred us through life.
We need to be shephreded through life.

Psalm 23

Putting your faith in Jesus - not only is He our Saviour, but also our Good Shepherd.

8th November
Matthew 6:5 - 15

Prayer - Underpriveleged Bangladeshi children and their families.

Dedication: Amos, Amalia
1 Samuel 1
Deuteronomy 6:5 - 7

Thoughts are important.
Our thouhgts direct our prayers. Our thoughts about God influence how we pray.
We see God's character in creation.
Romans 1:20
His nature and power revealed through Creation.
His Word reveals His nature, especially what Jesus said about Himself. We need a Saving relationshop with Him, through what Jesus did.

Job 11:7 - 9

We see God's heart in Jesus' Incarnation
John 1:14
The Word became a human being and lived among us! He became flesh and blood. God pitched His tent among us.

We see God's power in the Holy Spirit.
John 3:8

Psalm 139
God is everywhere.

I look backward to the Cross.
1 Peter 1:18, 19

Romans 8:15 - 17
A very close and personal relationship.

I look inward to Jesus living inside me.
2 Corinthians 13:5

Proverbs 28:13

I look around and ask the Holy Spirit to use me.
Romans 6:13

I look forward to my future in faith.
Philippians 1:3 - 6

Remember His promises and provision.

15th November
Matthew 6:9 - 15

A more meaningful prayer life.
Ephesians 6:18
Pray on all occasions for all the saints.
Keep a running conversation with God.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18
Keep the receiver off the hook. An ongoing conversation with God.
Psalm 119:164
Schedule prayer times throughout the day.
Luke 22:39
Luke 21:37, 38
Jesus went to pray at the Mount of Olives each night.
It is very easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. We need to redesign our schedule. Our relationship with God needs to be the priority.

1. Wake up with Gratitude

Philippians 4:6

2. Bless God's Name at Breakfast.
Psalm 45

3. At mid morning remember what matters most.
Matthew 6:10, 33
Realigning our priorities with God's.

The materialistic culture of the present day is a snare for us.
4. List my needs at lunch.
Interceding for others.
1 Samuel 12
Samuel said that failing to pray for others is a sin. vs 23.

- For those who are persecuted.
- For those who are in need.

5. Ask for forgiveness in the afternoon.
Psalm 32

6. Ask God to help me make wise decisions.

7. End my day with an encouraging truth.

22nd November
2 Chronicles 7:11 - 22

Hebrews 11:1

1. Humility - I admit that I am not in control
James 4:4 - 10
We need to be humble. Pride makes us self-centred, in opposition to God. We are to depend on Jesus.
2. Pray. Ask God for help
James 5
If we are in trouble we should pray. Turn to God. Don't grumble against or blame Him.
A prayer of faith. James 5:13 - 20
Romans 8:26, 27

3. Seek God not a miracle.
Deuteronomy 4:29 - 31
Are you prepared to spend the time to seek God's word?

4. Turn from wickedness
Isaiah 17:10, 11

No good thing comes from forgetting God.

Proverbs 28:30

When we repent, God cleans us from our sin, but also brings spiritual refreshment into our lives. He forgives us and heals us.

29th November
Ephesians 3:14 - 20

Matthew 7:7 - 12

Jeremiah 33:3

What happens when God says 'No'?

Hebrews 4:13
He has a bigger perspective.
There may be unintended consequences to our prayers.

Isaiah 55:8, 9
A better plan
Hebrews 11:32 - 40
Others were persecuted but God had a better plan.
They didn't always receive what was promised but God had something else in mind. vs 39

God says 'no' when He has a greater purpose.
Genesis 3
Because of the brokenness of this world.

We should trust confidently in Christ
2 Corinthians 4:17, 18
Look to heaven, to Eternity.
We shouldn't loose sight of our ultimate hope. This life is not all there is.
I Trust that God does everything in goodness and love.
Psalm 25:10
Romans 8:28
I don't need to understand God's answer to know that it was motivated by love.
Mark 14:36
When in pain, pray as Jesus prayed facing the Cross.

Jesus prayed according to the will of God.

Expect God to give us grace to handle the answer.

e.g. Paul and his thorn.
Courageous faith.

We may have many disappointments in this life, many times when our prayers are not answered, but God has all of Eternity to fulfill His promises.

psalm 139, matthew 6, isaiah 55, matthew 7, james 4, church

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