Church notes - 27th September 2020

Sep 27, 2020 13:48

Psalm 150

Jeremiah 29:11

Ephesians 5:22 - 32

Gr. Ekklesia
A gathering of citzens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly.
In a Christian sense
An assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a religious meeting.

Acts 19
Ekklesia is used for the people involved in the riot.

A poll in America. 32% have stopped attending Church during COVID.

It is a lot easier to stop showing up to a place than it is to disconnect from a group of people who intimately know, love and support each other. - Andy Stanley

Christ and Church.
We can be so caught up in doing church that we can forget to be Church.

Psalm 34:3

Our role is to tell the world about the Name. About what Jesus did.

Preaching - Highlighting something from the Bible that points out what needs to change in our lives for us to be more like Jesus.

Encouraging each other in our faith.

2 Timothy 1:7 - 8

We are the body of Christ
The living building.

If you say 'I love Jesus, but not other Christians' you need to examine your thinking.

Romans 7:15
Paul said that he wasn't perfect, but a hypocrite who needed Jesus.

We need to know Him intimately. A close and meaningful relationship.

Jesus went to the Cross because He took the punishment for us, so that we will be seen as pure and blemish free.

jeremiah, romans 7, ephesians, psalm 34, psalm 150, acts, 2 timothy, ephesians 5, acts 19, 2 timothy 1, jeremiah 29, church

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