Psalm 150
Jeremiah 29:11
Ephesians 5:22 - 32
Gr. Ekklesia
A gathering of citzens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly.
In a Christian sense
An assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a religious meeting.
Acts 19
Ekklesia is used for the people involved in the riot.
A poll in America. 32% have stopped attending Church during COVID.
It is a lot easier to stop showing up to a place than it is to disconnect from a group of people who intimately know, love and support each other. - Andy Stanley
Christ and Church.
We can be so caught up in doing church that we can forget to be Church.
Psalm 34:3
Our role is to tell the world about the Name. About what Jesus did.
Preaching - Highlighting something from the Bible that points out what needs to change in our lives for us to be more like Jesus.
Encouraging each other in our faith.
2 Timothy 1:7 - 8
We are the body of Christ
The living building.
If you say 'I love Jesus, but not other Christians' you need to examine your thinking.
Romans 7:15
Paul said that he wasn't perfect, but a hypocrite who needed Jesus.
We need to know Him intimately. A close and meaningful relationship.
Jesus went to the Cross because He took the punishment for us, so that we will be seen as pure and blemish free.