What do you miss about Church?
But we can still be Church.
We can still love God and still love others.
1 John 4:21
Lets be people who love others like God loves us.
Psalm 68:1 - 6
Acts 24 - 26
1 Peter 3:15
We need to be prepard to defend our faith. To testify our faith in Jesus.
Paul's three trials before Felix, Festus and Agrippa.
Paul was still in prison because of the danger from the Jewish authorities. This is similar to injustices people face today because of their faith in Jesus.
Acts 25:18
Testify to to the good news of God's grace.
The Gospel testifies to God's love.
But Paul and Acts overall doesn't talk about God's love. Paul concentrates not on love, but on the Resurrection.
Acts 24: 15, 20, 21
Acts 25: 18, 19
Acts 26: 15 - 19
The Resurrection is the foundation of what we believe. Without the Resurrection, the Christian faith falls apart, it has no hope.
Acts 26:12 - 24
The Resurrected Lord Jesus
The Resurrection must lead to repentance.
vs 19
A wonderful hope. A glorious unstoppable hope.
Acts 26:15 - 18
Jesus gives purpose, hope and salvation. He overcomes the power of Satan.
The hope comes from the Resurrection.
Jesus' love is ongoing.
This is a hope we should proclaim.