Church notes - 26th July 2020

Jul 26, 2020 16:11

Acts 16:22 - 34

What must I do to be saved? Believe in Jesus!
1) How might different people try to answer the question 'What must I do to be saved?'
2) How might Paul and Silas answer the question?
3) How do you answer the question in your own life?

Testimony - R. Brown.

Pastor for Childrens, Youth and Family leaving for Bairnsdale Baptist.

Acts 15:34 - 41

Conflict is an inevitable part of life.

A sharp disagreement between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark's participation in the Ministry journey. Was Paul being immature?

Romans 8:28
God worked through it for good, but it may not have been good that there was conflict between Paul and Barnabas. All involved grew and became more mature. Paul later wrote to Timothy to bring Mark.

How should we deal with conflict in the Church?
They agreed on all the important things - every part of the Gospel message.

Horrible that pride would come between one and their salvation.

Ephesians 2:14
There is no place for a dividing wall of hostility.
A church divided between itself - like an autoimmune disease.
Reconciliation is a priority. We do have an obligation to restore broken relationships.

Isaiah 53:6

Proverbs 13:10
We need to move move towards a solution. To accept personal responsibility. What is one's contribution to the conflict.

Judge our own actions.

Important life skills.
Learn how to de-escalate conflict.
How to resolve conflict.
How to reconcile estranged and broken relationships.

1) Lower My Voice
Proverbs 15:1
2) Breath and Slow Down the Pace of Speaking.
Proverbs 29:1
3) Listen More Than I Talk
James 1:19
4) Listen for the Hurt Behind the Words.
Proverbs 14:10
5) Pray While I Am Listening.
Psalm 65:7
6) Seek to Understand Before Seeking to Be Understood.
Proverbs 18:13
7) Try to See Their Perspective.
Philippians 2:4, 5
8) Ask God to Give Me a Clear Picture of Myself.
Psalm 139:23, 24
9) Admit Any Part of the Conflict That I Caused
Matthew 7:3
10) Choose My Words Carefully
Proverbs 12:18

isaiah, proverbs 14, philippians 2, acts 16, james 1, proverbs 29, proverbs 12, ephesians 2, isaiah 53, psalm 139, ephesians, acts, philippians, proverbs 13, gospel of matthew, proverbs 15, church, proverbs 18, acts 15, psalm 65, matthew 7, romans 8

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