Acts 14
Matthew 18:20
Psalm 47:7, 8
Romans 8:38, 39
Psalm 99:9
1) What are some things we put first in our lives?
2) Why is it better to put Jesus first in our lives?
3) Pray for one another (regarding these things)
Missionary Interview
Be a cheerleader for the next generations
Acts 14:1 - 20
Jesus is the one and only who is strong and kind. The one and only we can always run to.
Jesus says hard things.
Mark 8:34
Paul and Barnabas - The missionary journey cost them - physically. 1300 kilometers, including 160 across Cyprus. They paid the price in order to spread the Gospel.
vs 20 Derbe
Acts 16:1
Timothy was from Lystra. Was he one of those Saved earlier?
They paid the price emotionally
Acts 15:36 - 41
There was disagreement over John Mark's desertion, but Paul and Barnabas pressed on. We need to press on, no matter who deserts us in the church.
We need to pay the price in our mission God has called us to do.
Paul and Barnabas paid the price in disappointing results.
People who accept Christ can find themselves rejected by those who reject Christ.
Paul and Barnabas forced from the region of Pisidian Antioch.
Are you prepared to count the cost in order that people come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour?