Church notes - 17th May 2020

May 17, 2020 14:57

Tickell, Hudson
Tickell, Adelaide
1 Samuel 1:27, 28
Luke 2:21 - 24
Joseph and Mary dedicate Jesus at the Temple
Deuteronomy 6:5 - 9
Matthew 19:13 - 15

Romans 8:38, 39

Nehemiah 1

Opportunity International
Making a Difference
Jerusalem was still a mess.

Enemies surrounded them, the walls were in ruins and morale was low.

Holy Discontent

e.g. Wilberforce - against the slave trade.
God's call to go to do something.
vs 4
4 months of prayer
Chapter 2
vs 17
They were well aware of the mess Jerusalem was in, but they had learned to live with it.

Urgent Prayer

Take Action

"Someone should do something about that."

But some people actually take action.

Overcome Opposition


But troubles arose.
Life is a battle.
Opposition Persistent

Persistance, overcomes opposition

Nehemiah refused to spend time to please people who couldn't be pleased.

Nehemiah 4
Discouragement came.

What is your discouragement?

Nehemiah 6:15

Completed in 52 days, ahead of time and below budget.

They experienced God's grace.

Nehemiah made a difference in his generation. Won't you make a difference in this?

Sunday School
The Battle of Jericho
Joshua 5:13 - 6:23

Memory Verse: Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." ESV.

deuteronomy 6, joshua 5, nehemiah 1, nehemiah 6, gospel of luke, luke 2, 1 samuel 1, joshua 6, 1 samuel, joshua 1, matthew 19, gospel of matthew, dedication, church, nehemiah 2, nehemiah 4, sunday school, nehemiah, romans 8

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