Church notes - April 2020

Apr 26, 2020 20:16

5th April
How can I become right with God?
Somebody else to make it possible. Jesus.
Luke 23:26 - 43

The Story of the Two Thieves:

1) What was the difference between the two criminals?
2) What did Jesus say to the criminal who asked Him for help?
3) Could this criminal do anything to make himself "good enough" to be right with God?
4) What does this show us about how we become right with God? Who is the only person we can rely upon?

Jesus' rescue

Crucifixion - a cruel method of execution, designed for maximum pain and humiliation.

Philippians 2:8
Hebrews 12:2
Isaiah 53:12

Intended for humiliation.
vs 34

Psalm 22:16 - 18

Jesus is mocked on the cross.
. Rulers sneered at Him.
. The soldieres mocked Him.
. One of the criminals hurled insults at him.

The mocking went on all day, including by one of the dying criminals.

A prayer of forgiveness. Forgiveness - choosing not to hold something against someone else.
A light that illuminates that dark day and all times afterwards.
If Jesus forgives His executors, we can forgive those who hurt us.
vs 38
This is the King of the Jews.
A statement of the crime. But also the truth. He gave up His life bearing our sins.
vs 27
Simon of Cyrene - He was following Jesus, carrying the cross.
We need to follow his example, taking up our cross daily.
Mark 15:21
Romans 16:13

Simon and his family were saved.
vs 42, 43
One of the criminals asked Jesus if he would be saved.

. Conviction
. Confession
. Repentance
. Forgiveness
. Restoration

He had faith and experienced grace.
A saving faith

Paradise appears three times in the New Testament.

The world may seem to be out of control, but Jesus is in control.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18

10th April - Good Friday

Philippians 2:5-11

Luke 23:44 - 49

Kidswise - The Innocent One:

1 John 4:9, 10

Isaiah 53:3 - 5

Simeon. Luke 2:35
It is 30 years ahead; but there already on the horizon looms the cross.

Luke 9:22

The Transfiguration

Luke 9:31
Talking about His departure - the Cross.


Luke 12:50
The Baptism - the Cross.
Luke 13:32, 33
Luke 18:31 - 33
Parable of the Tenants (Luke 20:9 - 18)
Luke 23:14, 15
He was pronounced innocent.
vs 41
vs 47

Josepth of Arimathea
vs 50

His prayer - Forgiveness
His promise - Eternal Life
The Nail - All our sins. Everyone's sins. Your sins.

Paul - 2 Corinthians 5:21

He died for all the world.
Have you accepted him as Lord and Saviour?

Conviction of sin.
Confession of sin.
Repentance - a decision to turn from sin.
Forgiveness through Christ's blood by faith.
Restoration - the relationship repaired.

Sinner's prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins. Right now, I turn from sins and open the door of my heart and life. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Amen.

A man ought to examine himself before he eats the bread and drinks the cup.
1 Corinthians 11:23 - 29

12th April - Easter Sunday
Psalm 47
Philippians 4:4 - 7

Luke 23:48

Luke 24:1 - 12
The resurrection makes a difference.
There was joy.
Formerly the disciples were afraid. Now they were empowered.

1 Corinthians 15:1 - 5

A solid foundation of fact.
It does make a difference.

After the Fall - there was progressive revelation.

Job 14:14
Psalm 6
Psalm 115
Ecclesiastes 9:4

But... After the Resurrection
Philippians 1:21

Psalm 23:6

John 11:25, 26
I Am the resurrection and the life.
A worldview filled with hope.

1 Corinthians 15:57
The victory in Christ.
Death has been defeated because of Jesus' death and resurrection.
He is risen.
Death has the sting removed.

An assurance of new life in the next world. Death swallowed up in victory. Life after death will be better than life here.
Luke 23:43 - 46
The thief went to paradise.

Revelation 21:3
A revelation of close relationship.
Revelation 21:4

The struggles of this world are temporary.

Death swallowed up by triumphant life.

The hope of the Resurrection must calm all our anxieties of these days.

1 Corinthians 15:58

19th April
Isaiah 40:1, 2
Isaiah 41:8 - 10
Proverbs 3:5, 6

Isaiah 42:5 - 9
Isaiah 43:25

What stories do you tell about yourself?
It's all about the details we pay attention to, that shape the narrative, whether about guilt and shame or self righteousness.

Romans 12:3

Genesis 1:27
Created in God's image.
Psalm 8:5
Genesis 3
After the Fall, sin and death entered the world.

1 Corinthians 15:56 - 68

Sin is destructive and destroys our relationship with God.

Isaiah 40:1, 2
God wants His people to feel the comfort of relationship with Him.
Isaiah 41:8-10
Chosen. God chose Israel through Abraham.
He has chosen us through Jesus.
Isaiah 42:5 - 7
Creator. His heart is to set people free. He doesn't want people to stay imprisoned in shame and guilt.
Isaiah 43:25

We help to relieve people of guilt and shame, pointing the way to Jesus.
Jesus came to take guilt and shame away.

26th April
Morning Service
Psalm 47

ANZAC Day reflection
Christian values
All the soldiers had a copy of the New Testament
ANZAC values - from the Bible.

Sunday School - Trust in God.
Last week - Noah
God is faithful in His promises.
This week - Abraham and Sarah

Isaiah 53:4, 5
Matthew 11:28 - 30

People are anxious and uncertain about the future as a result of the Pandemic. Also they are feeling weary.

Lamentations 3:19 - 24
Jeremiah chose to look at the encouraging hope he had in God, who is unchanging, and His faithfulness.

Many Psalms are of lamentations.
All of life contains some kind of pain.
Psalm 13

Matthew 11:28 - 30
Jesus wanted to relieve burdens.

Isaiah 53:4, 5
He saw Jesus intervene for the wounded and the needy.

Jesus is friend of the weary because He intervened in the world.
He knew what it was like to be weary and disappointed.
Jesus is friend of the weary, not just because He has lived out our experience but because He has overcome.

Hebrews 4:16

Jesus is friend of the weary because all that Jesus has done can be real for us personally.

Jesus is friend of the weary because He will return in victory.

Jesus will come back.

26th April - PM
Changes due to lockdown: Families drawing closer.
Acts 16:11 - 15
Lydia, from Thyatira, dealing with purple cloth. She worshipped God.
vs 14
"The Lord opened her heart."
Something radical had happened in the background. Transformation of the soul.
Because He first chose you.
Acts 16:16 - 22
Paul doesn't want testimony from an evil source, but the power of God by Jesus' Name changed a life.
The Gospel changes someone's life, but it's not without persecution.

Acts 10:23 - 40
Paul and Silas singing, an earthquake, prison doors open.

Hope came for the jailer. Paul said that they were still there.

What must I do to be saved?
His heart was open.

The jailer was filled with joy.

People need saving. Only God can save.

The slave girl.
The jailer.
Only God can deliver us from sin and death. Do I believe that only God can save.
God works in all circumstances. A life that follows Jesus is not easy.
God brings true joy.
Not fleeting happiness. Deep joy based on circumstances that will never change.

luke 23, isaiah 42, acts 16, luke 24, matthew 11, church

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