2nd February
Psalm 150
Luke 18:18 - 30
The Rich Young Ruler - It was impossible for him to get into Heaven. But it is possible with Jesus.
Luke 18:31 - 34
Jesus was resolutely setting out for Jerusalem. The Cross is central to our understanding of Jesus and our relationship with God.
What must I do to inherit eternal life?
Luke 18:18 - 30
You need to do something beyond your capacity.
Mark 10:17 - 27
Jesus loved him.
vs 25
A point of impossibility. It is not possible for the rich man to go to heaven. (As he wouldn't give up his wealth to follow Jesus.)
There was no gate a camel would barely squeeze through. In a similar vein, the premise of Secular Humanism is wrong. We can't save ourselves. We need to accept what Jesus did at the Cross. Through that, what is impossible for Man, is possible with God.
Despite riches, cleverness or anything else, it is impossible to enter the Kingdom of God through one's own efforts.
vs 31 - 34
He turns to Jerusalem, setting out on his journey to the Cross. The pathway of freedom and salvation.
Prayer - Thankfulness for what Jesus did in Jerusalem, what he suffered for us.
Psalm 116
9th February
John 14:6
The Way - He is the Way
The Truth - We want the truth, not a lie!
The Life!
Luke 19:1 - 10
We came to seek and save the lost.
Procrastination. We may do it, but Jesus didn't when the time came for him to go to Jerusalem and the Cross.
Luke 18:31 - 33
Jesus took up the journey willngly and with enthusiasm.
vs 10
Searching and saving the lost. He had the time, a lost person can be someone who appears to have everything, but is in fact lonely and broken.
Roof falling in. It wouldn't fall on someone who is guilty, but on someone who is boastful and full of pride.
The Roman tax system was open to corruption. After the Romans took what they wanted, the Collector could take more, often much more. Zacchaeus had taken advantage of this. This is where is guilt was coming from. Goal oriented. He had heard of Jesus and wanted to see Him. That's why he was in the tree.
Jesus is proactive and makes the invitation. He was seeking him.
Zacchaeus came down immediately. I must stay at your home today.
He saw something different about Zacchaeus.
vs 7
People were 'muttering'. They were speaking negatively. Disparaging Jesus because of his choice of lunch venue and the company he was keeping at that venue. People who were on the margins of society. Jesus was accepting and not judgemental. Completely different to the popular conception of the church. Despite Zacchaeus' reputation, Jesus loved him.
vs 8
Half of his possessions to the poor.
How the conversation between Jesus and Zacchaeus went? No record was made, only the result. The ultimate of love. Zacchaeus is opposite of the rich young ruler. He gave 50% of his wealth in a time when the standard was 20%. An immediate conversion. Four fold repayments.
What repentance looks like. Genuine and necessary. It needs to be a reality in our lives.
vs 9
The evidence of what was happening in his heart.
vs 10
Jesus' mission - to seek and to find who were lost. Love changes people. Acceptance is what we should practice.
A joyful day under the shadow of the Cross.
Come down from the tree.
16th February 2020
Psalm 32:1,2, 10, 11
Lamentations 3:22 - 23
Acts 1:1 - 12
Matthew 26:27, 28
Hebrews 10:8 - 10
Jesus' sinlessness made Him the perfect sacrifice.
1 John 1:9
What on earth are we here for?
Acts 1:1 - 12
Could be anything
Why, when we're saved, are we still here?
The mission of the Church.
Cultural shift - in between times. Culture is changing, becoming more against Christ.
The Church functions in the in between. The purpose of the Church, to glorify God. But the same can be said of the Creation.
The Great Commission
In each Gospel, Jesus instructs the Disciples to spread the Word.
The Mission of the Church
Acts 1:1 - 12
It is grounded in history, therefore it is not just a philosophy. His death and resurrection were real.
Empowered by the Spirit.
It is not always easy, especially if one is an introvert. That is one reason we have the Spirit.
Seven billion people. Two billion haven't heard the Gospel in a way that makes sense to them.
It is shaped by promises
. You will be a witness.
. You will receive power via the Spirit
. He will come back the way He went.
In between. He left, and He will come back.
To the ends of the earth. The scope is enormous. We should pray each morning.
Mission Drift.
The original goal or purpose of an organisation is lost.
The Avenues for our witness.
. We must use words. Explain what the Message is.
. The Great Commandment.
. The attitude should match the words.
. The attitude of love and service.
. How we live
. The mark of the Church. How we love and treat each other.
. Shaping our sense of ourselves.
Therefore Go and make disciples
23rd February
Luke 19:37 - 40
Jeremiah 6:16
John 3:16
Jeremiah 6:16
Psalm 40:1
Jeremiah 3:2, 3
Jeremiah 6:16
This is what the LORD says - The Word of the LORD.
The end - a summary of what people would say.
Context - Jerusalem was under seige by Babylonian forces.
Jeremiah 6:6 - 10
An apt descriptions of some nations today!
Standing at the Crossroads - Ask for the Good Way - Walk in it. The Church is at the crossroads.
Tribalism isn't a Biblical response.
Are you prepared to ask and to walk on the ancient path, the path of faith Abraham walked on?
Isaiah 51:1, 2
Romans 4:3 - 7
Credited - Declared and made righteous.
Neither works, nor Human Institutions, save.
John 1:29
Faith should be in the Lamb of God. Jesus' blood has bought us, justifies, makes us holy.
John 3:16
He sent is Son for us. An atoning sacrifice.
The ancient path is available today!
Luke 11:1 - 13
"Father, we want what You want."
Acts 1:4 - 8
Acts 1:14
They were waiting in prayer for the Spirit.