Church notes - 16th February 2020

Feb 16, 2020 18:48

Psalm 32:1,2, 10, 11
Lamentations 3:22 - 23

Acts 1:1 - 12

Matthew 26:27, 28
Hebrews 10:8 - 10

Jesus' sinlessness made Him the perfect sacrifice.

1 John 1:9

What on earth are we here for?
Acts 1:1 - 12
Could be anything
Why, when we're saved, are we still here?
The mission of the Church.

Cultural shift - in between times. Culture is changing, becoming more against Christ.
The Church functions in the in between. The purpose of the Church, to glorify God. But the same can be said of the Creation.
The Great Commission
In each Gospel, Jesus instructs the Disciples to spread the Word.
The Mission of the Church
Acts 1:1 - 12
It is grounded in history, therefore it is not just a philosophy. His death and resurrection were real.

Empowered by the Spirit.
It is not always easy, especially if one is an introvert. That is one reason we have the Spirit.

Seven billion people. Two billion haven't heard the Gospel in a way that makes sense to them.

It is shaped by promises
. You will be a witness.
. You will receive power via the Spirit
. He will come back the way He went.

In between. He left, and He will come back.

To the ends of the earth. The scope is enormous. We should pray each morning.

Mission Drift.
The original goal or purpose of an organisation is lost.

The Avenues for our witness.
. We must use words. Explain what the Message is.
. The Great Commandment.
. The attitude should match the words.

. The attitude of love and service.

. How we live
. The mark of the Church. How we love and treat each other.
. Shaping our sense of ourselves.

Therefore Go and make disciples

lamentations 3, acts, 1 john, gospel of matthew, 1 john 1, church, lamentations, psalm 32, hebrews 10, matthew 26, acts 1

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