Star Trek: Picard: Maps and Legends review

Feb 02, 2020 20:30

Maps and Legends
The second episode. Beginning with the attack on Mars was an interesting choice. That the Synths were hacked in the course of the attack was obvious, but it was cool to see it in action. Then in the episode proper the narrative splits into two storylines. Picard in his investigation of Dahj and her twin. And that twin, Soji's work on the Borg cube which has been cut off from the Collective, along with how Narek is involved (more on that below). First, Picard and Laris investigating Dahj's apartment in Boston.
Splitting the scene between the investigation of the apartment and Laris telling Picard of the Zaht Vash seemed a little strange, but I was able to follow. It was well done in any case. Then Picard talking with his old friend from the Stargazer. (Iromodic Syndrome?) Also well presented. Then Picard goes to Starfleet Command to request their help in finding Soji (to protect her from the Zaht Vash). Admiral Clancy using 'colorful metaphors' wasn't necessary in my opinion. Just detracted a bit from the seriousness of the scene.
However, to Soji (and Narek). Narek seemed to work quite fast on her. Obviously more to him than meets the eye (as with Soji). It seems the Tal Shiar/Zaht Vash has already found her (But why kill Dahj?) and are investigating her (although Narek's method is... strange). But, what Soji is doing, reclaiming former Borg drones, removing the implants. That was certainly well presented (if a little gory). There is more there to tell. There is probably going to be a problem at the Cube at some point.
A connection between Admiral Clancy and a Commodore Oh, to Narek via his sister who is posing as a Starfleet Lieutenant. Clancy's discussion with Oh was done quite well as was the discussion between Narek and his sister. How Picard's journey will interact with them will certainly be intresting to find out. 9/10.

review, star trek, maps and legends, picard

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