Church notes - 12th January 2020

Jan 12, 2020 16:44

Colossians 1

Psalm 22

Leviticus 18
God was saying that He didn't want Israel to be like all the other nations around them.


Like a sculptor, the LORD is removing the undesireable bits.

Same Sex Marriage

There is no place for hatred, hurtful comments or other forms of ostracism of those who are engaging in same sex sexual relations, or who identify as gay or lesbian.

Secular humanism is a philosophy or life stance that embraces human reason, secular ethics, and philosophical naturalism while specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, and superstition as the basis of morality and decision making. - Wikipedia

'Greater Good' - Who's 'Greater Good', and who decides what that is?

The individual?

Secular Humanism is an attempt to organise society without God.

In the secular humanist worldview, there is no God to consider. The individual human is sovereign.

A worldview very different to that of Biblical Christianity.

We need to push back.

Marriage is Biblically defined as hetrosexual.

Genesis 1:27 - 28
Mark 10: 5 - 9

The Bible prohibits all kinds of sexual promiscurity - hetrosexual as well as homosexual.

God's people are to be set apart, different.

Leviticus 20:26

He calls us to be Holy, set apart.

Lev 18
Sexual relations with close relatives
Child Sacrifice

Biblical sexuality - within a marriage - to produce children.

We need to be loving in the condemnation of homosexual activities.

1 Corinthians 6:9 - 11

1 corinthians 6, gospel of mark, leviticus 18, mark 10, genesis 1, church, same sex marriage, colossians, leviticus 20, 1 corinthians, colossians 1, psalm 22

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