Ephesians 1:3 - 14
Isaiah 40:28 - 31
Hope in Him and His strength will be in you.
Statistics South Australia 2014
Of those who reported having an abortion only 0.6% were under 16.
Secular humanism is a philosophy or life stance that embraces human reason, secular ethics, and philosophical naturalism while specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, and superstition as the basis of morality and decision making. - Wikipedia
'Greater Good' - Who's 'Greater Good', and who decides what that is?
The individual?
Secular Humanism is an attempt to organise society without God.
An underlying attitude in the Australian media.
On a collision course with Christian faith. A foundation of secular humanism is the theory of Evolution.
In the secular humanist worldview, there is no God to consider. The individual human is sovereign.
Human life is valuable.
Genesis 1:27
Genesis 9:6
Life is valuable
Psalm 100
He is shepherding our lives.
Isaiah 64:8
Value life because God created us.
Every fetus is different.
The heart starts beating after 22 days.
A continuity between the womb and after birth.
Jeremiah 1:5
Luke 1:39 - 45
Even in the womb, John the Baptist reacted to Jesus' presence.
Exodus 21:22 - 25
Wonderfully made
Psalm 139:13 - 16
This calls us to defend the rights of the unborn child.
Abortion makes no sense at all.
The sin of abortion is not beyond God's grace. No sin surpasses Christ's ability to forgive.
1 John 1:9
Romans 8:1, 2
Psalm 34:18
Psalm 147:3
God doesn't hate sinners.
Joel 2:12, 13
God's love is not based on our works. Not even the sin of abprtion can separate us from His love.
Romans 8:37
Romans 5:8
Prayer: The Australian Bushfire Crisis. For those who have been affected to get the help they need. For the weather to change, both literally so the fires would be easier to fight, and also politically, so the Government can deal with the crisis in an effective manner. In Jesus Name. Amen.