Church notes - 24th November

Nov 24, 2019 17:13

- Phobias

Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14

Fear God
A reverant fear
A powerful and loving King who takes away all other fear. The One who rescues us from His deserving wrath.

Baptist Care - Helping the community and bringing the lost to Christ.
Testimony - Of a single mother who found a job at Baptist Care, and then Christ!

Matthew 25:31 - 40

Fear - not obeying God.

John 18:15 - 18
John 18: 25 - 27

Betrayal. Peter refused to stand with Jesus.

Aren't you one of this man's disciples?
- No! I am not!
- I am not!
- I don't know what you're talking about!

Peter realised what he had done.
Matthew 26:69 - 75 - He went and cried, and cried and cried.

Mark 14:66 - 72 - He collapsed in tears

Luke 22:54 - 62 - Peter went outside and wept bitterly.

Jesus beautifully forgives Peter and and restores the relationship.

John 21:15 - 19
A parallel. Three times, Peter denied Jesus. Three times, he affirmed that he loved Jesus.
We need to recognise and repent of the sins in our lives.
Our sense of failure and shame can be forgiven.
Forgiveness - Once again trusted by God in the place where you disgraced Him.

Peter faithfully Jesus the rest of his life.

No matter what you failures, shame and regrets, you can be forgiven, restored and follow Jesus into eternity.

gospel of mark, gospel of john, gospel of luke, apostle peter, matthew 25, john 18, peter's denial, john 21, matthew 26, luke 22, fear, ecclesiastes, ecclesiastes 12, gospel of matthew, church, mark 14, peter

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