Church notes - 3rd November 2019

Nov 03, 2019 18:51

Romans 5:8

Ecclesiates 5:8 - 20
True happyness does not depend on stuff. Instead it depends on the Creator of the stuff.

1 Corinthians 10:14 - 17
This too talks about unity

1 Corinthians 12:12 - 27
Doesn't happen in a physical body. But does happen in the body of the Church.
Filled with different people. The only thing in common is Christ.

Romans 12:5

Can we have this sense of community?
Each member belongs to all the others.

Matthew 5:23, 24

1) No Individual Christian Can Function Effectively By Themselves
vs 15
We shouldn't stop being part of the body because we have unrealistic views of our position within it.

Ephesians 4:15, 16

2) No Member of Christ's body should not feel that he or she is more important than any other member.

3) We all have a mutal dependence on Jesus Christ.

We are all the same in the eyes of God. Deeply flawed and yet, precious.

4) Christians should work hard at creating unity in the body of Christ.
(Not a rigid hierachy; but diverse communities working together, with prayer and discernment, in Him.)

romans 12, ephesians, ecclesiates 5, matthew 5, romans 5, gospel of matthew, church, sermon on the mount, ephesians 4, 1 corinthians 12, 1 corinthians 10, 1 corinthians, ecclesiates

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