Church notes - October 2019

Oct 27, 2019 18:12

6th October
Psalm 25:3
Ephesians 2:8

Isaiah 42:1 - 7
vs 3
Reed - fragile
Smouldering wick - something that is weak and annoying.
Compassion and respect for the small things.
- By others' harsh words.
- By their own failures.
People who feel that God wants nothing to do with them.

vs 1 - 4
The Servant comes tenderly.
A sharp opposition between Worldly politics and God's Servant. He is meek. Meekness isn't weak. It is His strength. He'll not use force.

Matthew 12:11 - 21
The Pharisees opposed to healing on the Sabbath. Jesus' life was devoted to comforting, healing and restoring the bruised reeds and smouldering wicks.

Isaiah 41:8, 9
The Nation of Israel is being spoken of.

Ch 42
The Servant is Jesus
vs 6b - 7
1 Corinthians 11:23 - 26

Serve His Son and demonstrate His righteousness to the World.

Matthew 5:14 - 16

Through Jesus, God's plan of Salvation was achieved.

vs 7

Broken People are restored and become servants.

Luke 22:7 - 22

13th October
John 10:11 - 18

Psalm 23
George W. Bush on 9/11:
vs 1
David had found true satisfaction and fulfillment. That is only true in the LORD.
In previous Psalms:
God was described as;
A King

John 10:11 - 18
How does relationship with Jesus bring a truely fulfilled life? (Not as the World defines it, but as the Creator does.)

Spiritual restoration
But we need to focus full time - a constant relationship with the Shepherd
vs 3, 4
The Lord gives us a moral compass. He shows us how to live according to His wishes.
The rod - used to protect.
The staff - the Crook - used to correct - guide the sheep when they go astray.
vs 5, 6
The eternal comfort as a result of the Shepherd's triumph.

Psalm 23
God Provides
God Guides
God Triumphs

The Psalm is popular at the side of death beds and funerals.
It provides comfort and hope.
Not just a psalm for the dying. It's also a psalm for the living.
God will not desert those who follow Him.

Cat vs Dog
Cat - thinks they are God
Dog - Thinks their owner is God
vs 3
His Name's sake.
Doesn't just list our comforts, but the focus is on the Shepherd.

Jesus is not here just to enrich your life. He is here to Be your life.

You need to be lead to the still waters
You need the rod
you need the staff
It's about relationship with the Eternal Shepherd.

vs 1

20th October
John 3:16

John 1:35 - 51
Jesus meets His Disciples:

Everything comes to an end, except God.

Romans 10:9 - 13

Luke 22:17 - 23

Deuteronomy 30:4 - 14

John 1:40 - 51
Making Disciples
Twitter and Jesus
Both have followers

Following on Twitter - doesn't demand much.
Folowing Jesus
- Demands everything.
- You don't know the end of the journey when you begin it.

vs 47 - 51
Nathaniel and the Fig Tree

Andrew - whenever he's mentioned in John's Gospel, he's inviting someone to see Jesus. A great example of what we need to do.
The call is for everyone. Not just for those who are specially trained or extroverts.
A call for ordinary people.
Andrew and Phillip
- Just ordinary people.
- No special training.
A call to care about others.
A call to share what you already know.
Act in community
It doesn't all hinge on you.

Are you a follower of Jesus?
if not - Come and See!

If you are - You can share
No different for us, than it was for Phillip and Andrew.

Like Nathaniel God knows us before we are converted.

Engels scale

<-Scale here->

Where are you? And where are the people we meet?

Four nuts

These are what Jesus did during His Ministry.
Prayer - This is what the disciples ask Jesus for help with.
Scripture - Jesus knew the Scriptures
Community - Large Gathering, Homegroup, or one on one.

Service - Jesus was outward looking.

Go make disciples.

27th October
Kid's talk - Ecclesiates 3
vs 11
The Eternal story will never end.

Luke 9:46 - 48

- It's not a building or an organisation
- It is a community focused on God.

The Two Ronnies: Four Candles:
Someone coming to Church can have a similar experience to someone who enters a hardware shop without knowing the lingo.
1. An interjection of greeting - know that your coming has given me pleasure.
2. To receive gladly

Welcome requires action.

Is God a welcoming God?

Luke 15:1 - 2
Jesus was happy to be in the company of sinners

Luke 19:10

God is a welcoming God

Luke 15:20 - 24
The prodigal son takes his inheritance and squanders it, so that he's in a desperate situation.

Yes, God is welcoming! More than the prodigal son's father.
When sinners come to Jesus, they are welcome.

For us who repent we are welcomed exubrantly

Romans 5:8

God took the initiative to reconcile with us.

Luke 15:28 - 32
If we don't welcome people into the church we stand in opposition to God.

The resentful older brother - represents the Pharisees

The younger son wasn't coming home with a sense of acheivement. He was coming home in disgrace.

1. Regularly pray for new families and individuals.
2. Sit by someone you don't know.
3. Go out of your way to talk with someone you haven't yet met.
4. When you meet a visitor, introduce them to others in the congregation who may have common interests.
5. Allow the Visitor Greeting Team to do it's work.
6. Be prepared to invite a visiting family to lunch.

luke 15, isaiah 42, psalm 23, john 1, church

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