Hebrews 12:1 - 6
Isaiah 9:1 - 7
Prayer - New South Wales. An Abortion Bill is before the Parliament (Voting on it Tuesday 6th August, 2019)
Isaiah 9:1 - 7
Isaiah offers hope to those who are depressed by the power of the Assyrians
A Messianic passage
vs 1,2 The region of Zebulun and Nathali had been conquered by the Assyrians, but there is a light.
Matthew 4:12 - 16
A bright light - Jesus.
In this world, there is not one relationship that doesn't have some disappointment.
A world of darkness - selfishness, envy, cheating (on taxes, exams and each other), lies.
This prophecy promises that this gloom of darkness will be erased.
The deepest gloom can't stop the light of God shining.
vs 6
A Wonderful Counsellor
Mighty God
Everlasting Father - If you want to belong to someone. He wants you to be His child.
Prince of Peace - Broken people and broken relationships are brought back together again.
The light has stepped down into the darkness of this world and redeemed us.
700 years later
Luke 2:8 - 18
He also calls on us to spread the Word.
John 3:16, 17
2 Chronicles 7:14
Lack of intimacy with God
Sexual Immorality
Innocent Blood (30,000 - 50,000 abortions in New South Wales in 2007)
Broken Covenants
Not just rain to break the drought. (Physically and Spiritually)
If they are real, forgiveness is assured.