Church notes - 14th July 2019

Jul 14, 2019 16:38

Psalm 33:1 - 5
'lift up your voice':
'Blessed Be Your Name':

Acts 2:42 - 47

'In Christ Alone - Boaz (Cello):
That is My King:

'Once for all':
'You Reign':

Scrappy Church - looking to the future
Australian church attendance
1950 - 44%
1960 - 41%
1970 - 37%
1980 - 27%
2016 - 21%

Acts 2:42 - 47

vs 42 - 45
Freely shared their material possessions

vs 46, 47

Acts 1:8
The early church took these words seriously

Outward focused

Scrappy Church - Thom S. Rainer
- Many churches in the United States closing
At least two would have their last service on any given Sunday.
Is there a sense of hope?

Some churches are turning around.
4 Convictions
1. They believe that God has a plan for them.
God is still working. They are determined to make a difference in their community.
2. Prayer is the power for their mission
vs 42
A call to prayer
3. Their mission is outward focused.
Many resources went towards the Great Commission
4. The mission involves me
The whole early church was involved.
Their faith was lived out every day and all day.
4. Practical actions
1. Adjust your attitude
"The real turn around took place in my mind"
Stopped making excuses
"Can't have a victim mentality with the mind of Christ"
2. Focus outward.
More people putting time and effort on the community. Focus on the community.
Churches systematically inviting people to come in.
3. Be ready to welcome newcomers
4. Assimilated newcomers into the church.

A monument in Alabama - to the Boll Weevil
Something disasterous can be the catalyst for change.

They devoted themselves
All the believers were together.

Every day

'Victor's Crown':

psalm 33, acts 1, acts 2, looking to the future, church

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