Church notes - June 2019

Jun 30, 2019 18:17

2nd June
What are u wearing?

'Glorious Day':

Prayer - Building project

Luke 22:14 - 20
His remember to remember Him.
A requirement - but what sort?
His sacrifice was once and for all, therefore it is a command to remember.

1 Peter 1:3, 4

'Living Hope':

Colossians 3:1 - 3
What is it?
Looks like, behaviour, how you treat others? Likes and dislikes.
Christian - What does it mean?
- What our identity is if we follow Jesus Christ.

vs 1 - 3

Raised with Christ
New Life with Jesus
Hidden with Christ
- What does this mean?
- United with Him. Hidden in safety and love.
- A new identity that is safe with Jesus
Colossians 3:4 - 16

Not wearing the right 'clothes'
vs 5 - 9
It needs to be put to death.

Old sinful clothes - What needs to got rid of.
Sexual immorality
Evil desires
Filthy Language

All these are selfish, furthering one's own ideals, lies
vs 12 - 14
New clothes
Characteristics of Jesus - opposite the above 'clothes'.
Are we wearing the right clothes? Do they match? Age and how long one has been saved don't matter. There are times when we put on sinful clothes.
We all need to deal with sinful things in our lives

Who the clothes belong to.
New clothes - Jesus wore them the whole time He was on Earth.
New life + new identity. He knows better. The new clothes will never go out of style (wear them in heaven).

'Who You Say I Am':

9th June 2019
Freedom from the Law by the Spirit

2 Corinthians 12:9

Galatians 4:21 - 5:5

We have our own weaknesses - It is in Christ that this is releived. Following in Christ should result in freedom. The Galatians were unfortunately binding themselves up with the Law.
Galatians 4:8, 9
Paul was asking why they would want to go back to being slaves.
It is not bondage in the Law.

Our salvation is bought by the finished work of Jesus Christ, what He achieved at the Cross and our faith in that.

John Wesley - realised that he become bound to legalism
'Trust in Christ, In Christ Only for Salvation'

The way to live the Christian life - remember what we have in Christ, and what we are in Christ. This is why we need to be in the Word every day.

Deuteronomy 15:15

vs 21
There are still people who want to be under the Law.
That is a only a way to slavery and frustration

Isaac vs Ishmael
Isaac is of the promise. Ishmael is ordinary.

New Covenant
Citizenship is not of bondage, but of freedom.

vs 8
We are children of a promise by Isaac.
A spiritual inheritance

New Covenant
Promises the Spirit and freedom.
- Religion of nature
- Works

- Grace

- Trust in themselves and their works
- In bondage because of self reliance

Only in Christ do we have freedom.
Opposite of bondage and decay. Freedom from guilt of sin. Christ has dealt with them!
The yoke has been taken away! The weight of the law has been lifted. Paul: 'How could you possibly think about being under that weight again?'
vs 5
We await our final glorification through faith.

Under grace our failures are not crushing. To do our best to look to Him, but not be crushed when we fail.

For freedom we have been saved.

16th June 2019
1 Peter 1:3 - 9

'Once for all':
'Christ Alone, Cornerstone':

Mark 15:16 - 34
Jesus suffered so that sin would be defeated.

Galatians 5:13 -21
Freedom. Where do you want to go with it?
Christian freedom is not an invitation to indulge in the sinful nature.
Freedom to indulge in the sinful nature is not freedom at all.

But we have a bias towards sin.
vs 13, 14

Christian Freedom is not freedom to exploit my neighbour.
We must not ignore, neglect or abuse our neighbours.
It is not an excuse for selfishness.

Christian freedom is not freedom to disregard the Law.
vs 14

Matthew 22:37 - 39
What are we sowing into the community? Issues of breach of trust, and hurt feelings, need to be dealt with.
vs 16
In fellowship with the Spirit we'll not gratify the desires of the flesh. This can't be achieved by works.

Romans 7:21 - 8:2

vs 19 - 21
Realm of Sin - Sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery
Realm of Religion - Idolatory, witchcraft
Realm of Society - The breakdown of personal relationships
vs 21

John 15:4 - 8

23rd June
Hebrews 4:14 - 16

'Bless His Holy Name':

'I Believe. The Creed' (Afrikaans):
'Blessed Assurance':


John 14
Home in Heaven
Jesus is the Only Way
Promise of the Spirit

Russ James - Bible League
Bibles to the persecuted
Provide resources to the persecuted

Engagement is key
Project Philip
Following the example of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts 8:31
Bible based literacy
Church Planter Training

Colossians 4:2

It's All Sorted
John 14
Despair and Hopelessness can seem like a fog.
vs 1 - 4
He is saying; 'Trust God, trust me'.
It is guaranteed.
vs 3
The way is clear. If you follow Jesus, you won't get lost. It's all guaranteed. There is no other way.
Jesus will get you there!
vs 8 - 11

John 1:14
Jesus is trustworthy

vs 28
If you are a follower of Jesus, you will not be disappointed when you meet the Father.

vs 15 - 18
Change from the future to the present tense.
The Spirit is in us.
vs 23 - 31

There is no room in the Father's house for those who reject Jesus.

John 20:19 - 31

What troubles are on your heart?
Jesus speaks "Peace I leave with you. Peace I give you."

Prayer - for those who have difficulty accessing the word.


30th June
Psalm 139

'Our God':

Galatians 5: 13 - 26

'Glory to Your Name':

Once for all, the King has done it all.

The Fruit of the Spirit
Galatians 5:22 - 26
Jesus is enough.
vs 19 - 21
Recap: Behaviours that aren't good. What kind of life or relationships does these lead to?
vs 22 - 23
A great person to get along, and/or, live with.
Fruit of the Spirit - not works. It doesn't require effort on our part. It is by the Spirit.

John 15:1 - 5
We abide in Christ and the transformation comes.

- Unconditional, sacrificial
- Not a love of the worthy
- We need to love the LORD and our neighbours.

Not just about happiness,
Gladness within our hearts.

Shallom - a sense of wholeness, unity, peace within trouble (e.g. an eagle's nest in a storm).

What everyone needs. Long suffering. Comes from a sense of trusting God.

Involves interaction with others.

Interest in the welfare of others.
Galatians 6: 9, 10

Restraining our emotions, impulses and desires.
It's not legalism!
Stop living by the flesh as your primary motivation.

Romans 8:5 - 8
We renounce the sinful nature.
These words need to be taken seriously.
It may involve stopping activities and habits. Not to be done legalistically, but by relationship with God.
vs 16, 17
Living in step and cooperating with the Holy Spirit.
A level of activity where the Spirit is our companion and partner.

We need to embrace the Spirit day by day.

Do we allow the Spirit to guide us day by day, moment by moment, situation by situation?
Do we abide in Jesus day by day?

'I Give You My Heart':

galatians 4, gospel of john, church, colossians, colossians 3, galatians, john 14, galatians 5

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