Hebrews 4:14 - 16
'Bless His Holy Name':
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWCN8hBQuDY 'I Believe. The Creed' (Afrikaans):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFBwnISbljw'Blessed Assurance':
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDeiy9-t2GE Zimbabwe
John 14
Home in Heaven
Jesus is the Only Way
Promise of the Spirit
Russ James - Bible League
Bibles to the persecuted
Provide resources to the persecuted
Engagement is key
Project Philip
Following the example of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts 8:31
Bible based literacy
Church Planter Training
Colossians 4:2
It's All Sorted
John 14
Despair and Hopelessness can seem like a fog.
vs 1 - 4
He is saying; 'Trust God, trust me'.
It is guaranteed.
vs 3
The way is clear. If you follow Jesus, you won't get lost. It's all guaranteed. There is no other way.
Jesus will get you there!
vs 8 - 11
John 1:14
Jesus is trustworthy
vs 28
If you are a follower of Jesus, you will not be disappointed when you meet the Father.
vs 15 - 18
Change from the future to the present tense.
The Spirit is in us.
vs 23 - 31
There is no room in the Father's house for those who reject Jesus.
John 20:19 - 31
What troubles are on your heart?
Jesus speaks "Peace I leave with you. Peace I give you."
Prayer - for those who have difficulty accessing the word.