Church notes - 17th March 2019

Mar 17, 2019 15:59

Psalm 93

Ephesians 4: 1 - 6

Matthew 9:9 - 13
The Pharisees were questioning why Jesus was doing what He was doing.
vs 13
No one is without sin, but Jesus is using the term as the Pharisees themselves would. He is saying that He is there for those who would admit that they are sinners.
Hosea 6:6
Mercy not sacrifice
Context: The Pharisees' sacrifice is wrong. They were doing it by works.
We can sink back into these habits. The Pharisees (and others) judge others based on their moral failures.
"No" Jesus said.

He is saying that people need mercy.
All moral failings are equal. (A lier is equal to a murderer.)
We are all blackened by sin, but Jesus' sacrifice has absolved us of this, so we are as white as snow.
In our relationships with others we need to offer mercy, not legalistic religion.
We need to imitate Jesus' mercy.
How often do we open our hearts, our homes to those we see as tax collectors and sinners?
Jesus accepts people no matter what their sins are. How can we be people who can eat like Jesus in our society.

1) How do we 'eat' with our community?
2) How do we 'eat' better with our Church?

all age service, matthew 9, ephesians, eating with sinners, psalm 93, gospel of matthew, church, ephesians 4, hosea 6

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