Acts 1:8
- Praise - the Church is growing
- Prayer - Wisdom for the christians in their situations
2 Peter 1:19 - 21
Prayer - Alpha - Starting this Tuesday
Acts 2
Jesus kept His promise, the Spirit came.
James 4:10
Acts 2:1 - 24
Acts 1:8
A promise - not only had He defeated sin and death, He was giving them power.
Is it evident that you're Sprit filled?
Are you allowing God's spirit to radically transform your lives.
It was already a special Jewish festival celebrating the completion of the harvest.
Wind and fire
The sound of wind and what seemed to be fire.
Signs of God's presence.
e.g. Exodus: Burning bush, pillar of fire.
There were no doubts in the disciples' minds. But there was a difference; separate tongues of fire. The languages of the people attending the festival - a reversal of the Tower of Babel. How should the indwelling of the Spirit change us?
Acts 2:42 - 47
What a community and individuals should look like.
Challenge yourself. How can you continue to experience the power of the Spirit in your life.
A life transformed through the Spirit is focused on God's word.
- It misses the point if we don't talk about Scripture.
- With Jesus
- Our fellowship together needs to be the same
- God's word in action
vs 44, 45
Helping others in need
Are you in a clique which doesn't challenge you, or help you strengthen your faith?
A worshipping believer
vs 46
Both informal and formal
Worship every day of the week. Sincre and glad hearts. Joy based on the fact that Jesus is our Savour no matter what life throws at us.
Acts 1:8
An outward focus
Are we working in the power of the Spirit as we witness? Or are we trying to do it in our way.
How are you ignoring the indwelling Spirit in your life?