Church notes - 2 September 2018

Sep 02, 2018 16:27

2 September
Psalm 150

Psalm 1

1 Chronicles 16: 7 - 36

Psalm 150
Praise used 16 times
A Psalm to be experienced and to be lived out.
The greatest truth of God is that He is worthy of our worship, and he deepest truth about ourselves is that we have been created to worship Him.

All the instruments are guided by humans.

Psalm 95
Recognise God in joy
Shouting out in recognition of God.
vs 6
Prostrate ourselves. A posture of submission.

We need to bow down before God.
Declaring His praises
We need to hear from Him.
We shouldn't have hard hearts towards God.
Not like what happened at Meribah and Massah. Tragic events.
A daily decision to follow and obey Him.
Hebrews 3:7 - 13

Zephaniah 3:19, 20

a joyful noise, psalm 150, psalm 95, 1 chronicles 16, church, zephaniah, 1 chronicles, psalm 1, zephaniah 3, hebrews 3

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