Church notes - 8th July 2018

Jul 08, 2018 15:55

Psalm 47

Mark 13:32 - 37
The Parable of the Faithful Servant
No one knows when
We need to be prepared
vs 33
Be alert. We need to be watchful.
vs 36
A constant watch for His return.
vs 37
An emphasis. Not just for the four disciples, but for everybody.
What does it mean to keep watch?
Hebrews 12:1 - 3
The great crowd of witnesses - includes those listed in Hebrews 11.
What is the stuff that may hinder us in our Christian journey?
Romans 12:2

Many things in our culture are counter to what the Word teaches.
Affluence - often leads to distraction from God and what He wants us to do.
Sin - an obstacle. 'Sin that easily entangles' -

Karl Faase - 'God does care. He accepts us as we are, but He doesn't leave us there'.

Persevere and look to Jesus, as we run. Focus on the Cross, where He died for our sins so we could come to him for forgiveness.

vs 37
- Ensure we are faithful.
- Watch out for sin that may entrap.

romans 12, psalm 47, gospel of mark, church, hebrews 12, mark 13, parables, parable of the faithful servant

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